Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tattoos from dot-com boom linger on

Ed Betz / AP file

Joe Tamargo sold ads on his body to various sites, like, which was set up to keep Martha Stewart from jail following her incitement for securities fraud.

By Ben Popken, TODAY contributor

The dotcom bubble may have burst long ago, but some of its lingering effects are permanently etched on the backsides, forearms and foreheads of a few human billboards. Buzzfeed profiled some people who still carry the ?skinvertising? tattoos. They got cash from websites to ink ads directly onto their flesh back in the 2000s, when the trend was all the rage. The cash is gone. So too are many of the websites. But the ink remains.?

Karolyne Smith sold her forehead space to online gambling site GoldenPalace for $10,000 and hit the talk show circuit. Her current Facebook picture shows her sporting blonde bangs down to her eyebrows. It's against the law to use the site from within the U.S. and several states are blocked from accessing the site at all.?

Ed Betz / AP file

Joe Tamargo shows off a tattoo.

Joe Tamargo sold ads on his body to various sites, like, which was set up to keep Martha Stewart from jail following her incitement for securities fraud. The tattoo apparently didn't work, because the hostess with the mostess still went to prison (though, after serving her sentence, now free). Tamargo told Buzzfeed that when people ask about the tattoos ,?they're like, 'Yo, that's pretty cool. I'm going to check out those websites... And then they get there and there's nothing on the website.??

He's trying to buy himself some of the URLs on his body which lead to now defunct sites, like the former Viagra pill purveyor

Other depressing vestiges of the trend include:?

  • Mark Greenlaw: Auctioned the back of his neck on eBay as advertising space in 2006 to a web hosting company called Glob@t to provide for his family while he was in Army basic training.?
  • Jim Nelson: Sold a very large chunk on the back of his head to CI Host for $7,000. He signed a contract agreeing he would travel to at least eight states and two countries a year or pay a $25,000 fine.?
  • Billed itself as the first and original skin advertising agency, bringing together ?skinvertisers? and advertising clients. The website now leads to a page that says the site is suspended.?

Then there's the poster child for the skinvertising trend, Billy Gibby, who legally changed his name to Hostgator Dotcom after a website hosting company paid him for the ?naming rights.? Tattoos for websites cover his face. He too has a giant ad for GoldenPalace filling his backside. In all, he says he has 37 tattoos. So how much does his flesh go for??

In a 2009 post on his blog?Gibby announced he was selling 6?x1? forehead tattoos for $20,000 and 6?x1? and 4?x1? chest tattoos for $3,000 and $2,200, respectively.?

?Let me be your company or website's billboard,? read the post.?

Reached by email, Gibby said he's currently charging $1,500 for a tattoo on his body. Traditional economic theory would suggest that as demand has dropped, so have Gibby's prices.?

Besides changing his prices, Gibby too has had a change of heart about being the walking, talking, literal ?face? of so many websites.?

?I no longer do tattoo ads on my head or face and plan to get those ones taken off one day with lasers,? he told NBC News in an email.

My kids don't really talk about my tattoos much but when they get older I'll let them know the reason I did it,? he wrote. ?It does make me sad sometimes that I have them on my face but I know the reason I did it was to keep my kids from being homeless.?

More money and business news:






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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Colon Cancer Screenings under the Affordable Care Act :: Hope ...

The Affordable Care Act emphasizes most preventive care screenings such as colonoscopies will be available at no charge to people who need them. However, in some instances, there may be a cost involved. A new report co-authored by the American Cancer Society, The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and the Kaiser Family Foundation describes in detail the circumstances that may lead to a patient sharing the cost of a colonoscopy. Access the report by clicking here.




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New guide prepares parents for tough conversations with kids about weight and health

New guide prepares parents for tough conversations with kids about weight and health [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Sep-2012
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Contact: Melissa Warren
Chandler Chicco Agency

STOP Obesity Alliance and Alliance for a Healthier Generation say helping parents answer kids' questions about their weight is key to helping overcome childhood obesity

WASHINGTON, DC, September 25, 2012 Have you ever been taken off guard by a child's question about weight? Many parents struggle with what to say and how to say it. In fact, a WebMD/Sanford Health survey found that parents of teens find it more difficult to talk about weight with their child than talking about sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Experts at the Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Alliance) say the issue is compounded by the fact that there are limited resources to help parents respond to children's questions about weight. To help, STOP and the Alliance have developed a free conversation guide that offers parents "real-world" situations and plain language responses to questions about weight issues including understanding BMI, body image, bullying, weight bias and family obesity.

"When parents search online or ask a medical professional for help in talking with their children about tough topics like sex or drinking, they can find a host of useful tools," said STOP Obesity Alliance Director Scott Kahan, MD, MPH. "Yet if they search for information on how to field questions on weight, they won't find much beyond the simplistic 'eat less, move more' proclamation we've heard for years. And that's just not sufficient to help the millions of families facing this serious and emotional health issue."

"Weigh In: Talking to Your Children About Weight and Health" is an online guide created to fill the information gap and offer practical advice for parents struggling with how to discuss weight and health with their children. This research-based resource was created and reviewed by experts from a cross-section of fields including pediatrics, obesity research and psychology. Rather than focusing on finding the root of obesity or laying blame, the guide offers practical information for how to responsibly and compassionately respond to the following real-world scenarios:

  • BMI Confusion: Your child's school performs annual BMI screenings. Your child brings home a BMI report card that shows he/she is overweight or obese and asks what this means.
  • Cultural Differences: Your racial and/or ethnic heritage traditionally finds having extra weight as attractive or something to be admired, rather than viewing it as a health concern. Your child comes home from school confused and hurt because classmates/teachers called him "fat."
  • Body Image: Your child asks, "Am I fat?" and says she wants to go on a diet. She is emotional because she says she looks different from the other girls in her class.
  • Bullying: Your child is not behaving appropriately or is acting withdrawn and says he doesn't want to go to school. When you ask why, he says that a bunch of kids have been teasing him and calling him "fat."
  • Weight Bias: A parent or teacher who doesn't know you or your family well questions your decision to allow your overweight/obese child to have a treat or not require them to participate in an athletic activity.
  • Inter-family Weight Differences: Your son, who is of average weight, makes fun of your daughter and calls her "fat."
  • Parental Obesity: You are an overweight or obese parent and another adult calls you "fat" while in public with your child. Your child asks why.

"We set out to develop a guide to help children deal with obesity. During the process, we realized the great need for a guide that lets parents and caregivers know they are not alone," said Alliance for a Healthier Generation Chief Executive Officer Ginny Ehrlich, EdD. "Weight is a tough issue perhaps the toughest today's parents face given all the complexities. But that doesn't mean we can avoid it. In fact, it only intensifies the need to weigh in."

The guide also is intended to help bring out into the open a conversation that often requires parents to tread into unfamiliar territory with their children. "Even though speaking to people affected by obesity is what I do for a living, when it came to addressing the issue with my son, I was like a fish out of water," said Traci Baker, mother and weight loss life coach from Indiana. "I wanted him to know that his weight does not define him. And deep down, I knew I needed to be a role model for my son. None of this was easy. To have a guide that doesn't point fingers but offers a helping hand is exactly what parents like me need."


The first edition of the "Weigh In" guide is for parents and adult caregivers of children ages 7 to 11. The free guide is available online at and on the STOP Obesity Alliance ( and Alliance for a Healthier Generation ( websites.

About the STOP Obesity Alliance

The Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance is a collaboration of nearly 70 consumer, provider, government, labor, business, health insurer and quality-of-care organizations working to drive innovative and practical strategies that combat obesity. The Alliance receives funding from founding sponsor, Sanofi. For more information, visit and follow the Alliance on Facebook and Twitter.

About the Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works to address one of the nation's leading public health threats childhood obesity. The goal of the Alliance is to reduce the nationwide prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015, and to empower kids to make healthy lifestyle choices. Founded in 2005 by the American Heart Association and William J. Clinton Foundation, the Alliance works to positively affect the places that can make a difference to a child's health: homes, schools, doctor's offices and communities. To learn more about the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New guide prepares parents for tough conversations with kids about weight and health [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 25-Sep-2012
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Contact: Melissa Warren
Chandler Chicco Agency

STOP Obesity Alliance and Alliance for a Healthier Generation say helping parents answer kids' questions about their weight is key to helping overcome childhood obesity

WASHINGTON, DC, September 25, 2012 Have you ever been taken off guard by a child's question about weight? Many parents struggle with what to say and how to say it. In fact, a WebMD/Sanford Health survey found that parents of teens find it more difficult to talk about weight with their child than talking about sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Experts at the Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation (Alliance) say the issue is compounded by the fact that there are limited resources to help parents respond to children's questions about weight. To help, STOP and the Alliance have developed a free conversation guide that offers parents "real-world" situations and plain language responses to questions about weight issues including understanding BMI, body image, bullying, weight bias and family obesity.

"When parents search online or ask a medical professional for help in talking with their children about tough topics like sex or drinking, they can find a host of useful tools," said STOP Obesity Alliance Director Scott Kahan, MD, MPH. "Yet if they search for information on how to field questions on weight, they won't find much beyond the simplistic 'eat less, move more' proclamation we've heard for years. And that's just not sufficient to help the millions of families facing this serious and emotional health issue."

"Weigh In: Talking to Your Children About Weight and Health" is an online guide created to fill the information gap and offer practical advice for parents struggling with how to discuss weight and health with their children. This research-based resource was created and reviewed by experts from a cross-section of fields including pediatrics, obesity research and psychology. Rather than focusing on finding the root of obesity or laying blame, the guide offers practical information for how to responsibly and compassionately respond to the following real-world scenarios:

  • BMI Confusion: Your child's school performs annual BMI screenings. Your child brings home a BMI report card that shows he/she is overweight or obese and asks what this means.
  • Cultural Differences: Your racial and/or ethnic heritage traditionally finds having extra weight as attractive or something to be admired, rather than viewing it as a health concern. Your child comes home from school confused and hurt because classmates/teachers called him "fat."
  • Body Image: Your child asks, "Am I fat?" and says she wants to go on a diet. She is emotional because she says she looks different from the other girls in her class.
  • Bullying: Your child is not behaving appropriately or is acting withdrawn and says he doesn't want to go to school. When you ask why, he says that a bunch of kids have been teasing him and calling him "fat."
  • Weight Bias: A parent or teacher who doesn't know you or your family well questions your decision to allow your overweight/obese child to have a treat or not require them to participate in an athletic activity.
  • Inter-family Weight Differences: Your son, who is of average weight, makes fun of your daughter and calls her "fat."
  • Parental Obesity: You are an overweight or obese parent and another adult calls you "fat" while in public with your child. Your child asks why.

"We set out to develop a guide to help children deal with obesity. During the process, we realized the great need for a guide that lets parents and caregivers know they are not alone," said Alliance for a Healthier Generation Chief Executive Officer Ginny Ehrlich, EdD. "Weight is a tough issue perhaps the toughest today's parents face given all the complexities. But that doesn't mean we can avoid it. In fact, it only intensifies the need to weigh in."

The guide also is intended to help bring out into the open a conversation that often requires parents to tread into unfamiliar territory with their children. "Even though speaking to people affected by obesity is what I do for a living, when it came to addressing the issue with my son, I was like a fish out of water," said Traci Baker, mother and weight loss life coach from Indiana. "I wanted him to know that his weight does not define him. And deep down, I knew I needed to be a role model for my son. None of this was easy. To have a guide that doesn't point fingers but offers a helping hand is exactly what parents like me need."


The first edition of the "Weigh In" guide is for parents and adult caregivers of children ages 7 to 11. The free guide is available online at and on the STOP Obesity Alliance ( and Alliance for a Healthier Generation ( websites.

About the STOP Obesity Alliance

The Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance is a collaboration of nearly 70 consumer, provider, government, labor, business, health insurer and quality-of-care organizations working to drive innovative and practical strategies that combat obesity. The Alliance receives funding from founding sponsor, Sanofi. For more information, visit and follow the Alliance on Facebook and Twitter.

About the Alliance for a Healthier Generation

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works to address one of the nation's leading public health threats childhood obesity. The goal of the Alliance is to reduce the nationwide prevalence of childhood obesity by 2015, and to empower kids to make healthy lifestyle choices. Founded in 2005 by the American Heart Association and William J. Clinton Foundation, the Alliance works to positively affect the places that can make a difference to a child's health: homes, schools, doctor's offices and communities. To learn more about the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

2012 Emmy Awards Winners List

'Modern Family,' 'Homeland' and 'Game Change' win big at 64th annual ceremony.
By Amy Wilkinson

The cast and crew of "Modern Family" accept an Emmy for Best Comedy
Photo: WireImage


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The ABCs of SBA Loans - The Bank Roll | The Bank Roll

Simply put, SBA Loans are federally guaranteed commercial loans. The Small Business AdministrationThis is a third party link. Please review the third party content guidelines by clicking here for more details. (SBA) is an independent agency of the Federal Government that assists small businesses in many ways, including setting guidelines for SBA loans and backing them with a guarantee. An SBA loan is made through a commercial bank, such as Webster Bank, and guaranteed by the SBA. The guarantee helps reduce the bank?s risk and enables it to provide financing that might otherwise not be available. So, you can apply for an SBA loan by applying through Webster for a commercial loan that is structured according to SBA guidelines.


Categories of SBA Loans:


  • 7(a) Loans and SBAExpress Loans are used to establish a new business or to assist in the operation, acquisition or expansion of an existing business.


  • Patriot Express Loans are targeted for veterans, active duty service members eligible to retire, Reservists and National Guard members, as well as spouses of any of these service types (plus widowed spouses of any service member who died while in service or of a service-connected disability)


  • Export Express Loans are targeted for companies that export


  • 504 Loans are designed to assist small businesses in acquiring fixed assets such as real estate and equipment, and promote economic development in our communities.



Compared to a conventional loan, SBA Loans offer:

? Lower down payments in many cases

? Longer terms and amortization periods

? Closing costs can be financed on an SBA loan in many cases


SBA Loans Can Help Businesses Grow Strong in Many Ways

SBA Loans can be used to finance:

? Working capital ? 7(a) and SBAExpress only

? Inventory ? 7(a) and SBAExpress only

? Line of credit ? SBAExpress only

? Real estate purchase

? Fixed assets/machinery/equipment/furniture/fixtures

? Business purchase

? Business start-up

? Buyout of a business partner

? Refinance debt (10% improvement, current on debt, having a business debt schedule is critical)

? Franchising


New SBA Guidelines Give More Credit to More Small Businesses

In 2010, the SBA made some major changes to their lending guidelines:

? Increased the standard used to determine the size of companies eligible for SBA financing to include small businesses with:

? Less than $15 million in maximum tangible net worth, and

? A two-year average net income after Federal income tax of $5 million

? Permanently increased the loan limits of 7(a) loans from $2 million to $5 million

? Permanently increased the loan limits of SBA 504 loans from $2 million to $5.5 million

SBA loan table


For the last three years, Webster Bank has been Connecticut?s #1 SBA lender and an SBA preferred lender throughout our market and in CT, MA, RI and NY.

Are There Restrictions on the Uses of SBA Loans?

Yes, there are certain restrictions for the use of SBA loans. SBA loans cannot be used to finance:

? Existing debt where the lender is in a position to sustain a loss and the SBA would take over that loss through refinancing

? A partial change of business ownership or a change that will not benefit the business

? The reimbursements of funds owed to any owner, including any equity injection, or injection of capital for the purposes of business continuance, until the loan supported by the SBA is disbursed

? Repayment of delinquent state or federal withholding taxes or other funds that should be held in trust or escrow

? An unsound business purpose


Have you ever used the SBA program to start or grow a business? What advice do you have for other small business owners?


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

LeakyCon Portland registration opens today, update on LeakyCon London

According to their official Twitter account, registration for LeakyCon 2013 Portland will open today (Saturday, September 22, 2012), at noon PST.

Hotel information will be released next week.

Additionally, starting at 6 p.m. London time (1 p.m. Eastern), LeakyCon will be allowing, in order, those who were in the process of finalizing their London registrations when the system broke to get into their new system and finish them. When the last 100 have been finalized the rest of the list will be added to the registration waiting list, and consequently the waiting list will be opened to the public.

For more information on the London convention, including the RockStar waiting list, click here.

LeakyCon 2013 in Portland will be from June 27-30 at the Oregon Convention Center while LeakyCon 2013 London will be August 8-11 at the Grand Connaught Rooms.

Posted by Micah
09-22-2012 at 1:35 PM


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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Car Auction Prices Remain Unusually High For September ...

On last night?s Channel 4 News, Governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King calmly and clearly explained the reasons why the county is in the state it?s in and why getting out of it will be a long haul.

Obviously traders at auction today were either doing their VAT books at the time, or were in the pub.

Because some of the prices paid were through the roof.

We know about Audis, and so does Glass?s Guide. The prices for them were predictably high.

BMWs too. Status still matters. But the 10 reg E92 coupe in the list was ex-Motability, which begs the question of how much the customer had to pay on top of his State funded Mobility Allowance.

Crazy money was buying Fiesta diesels, though again broadly in line with Glass?s Guide. Mondeos, as usual, depended on the miles under their wheels and high miles on a Mondeo don?t seem to export.

?4,950 for an 11k mile 2009/59 Nissan Note 1.6 Visia auto was way over. And ?6,000 paid for a 2009/58 Honda Jazz 1.3i-DSI SE CVT-7 was plainly buying the low mileage, despite some very nasty body damage that will be difficult to fix.

?12,500 was way over for an attractive, but basic 2008 Mercedes SLK with a manual box. ?6,700 was on book for a 61k mile 2009/59 Avensis 1.8i Valvematic T4. ?7,100 was far too much for a 61k mile 09 Qashqai 1.6 Acenta.

Volvo V60s aren?t yet booked, so ?14,700 was probably right for the 61 reg 1.6 DRIVe.

But top trade book for a 2012/61 Skoda Octavia 1.6TDI CR 105 DSH Elegance estate is ?13,400. So why did someone pay ?13,900 for one with a damaged and badly repainted roof?

(As usual, ?s? means sold. ?p? means top provisional bid, ?pc? means provisional, but close. ?n/s? means not sold. ?n/w? means miles not warranted. ?MNW? means unknown mileage. ?dmg? means damaged. D/R means damaged and repaired. ?fl? means facelift. ?H/T? means hardtop. ?imp? means unofficial import. Extras like ?lthr? and ?nav? are specified when they are not standard.)


Audi A4 2.0 TDI 143S line, 2008/58, 59k miles ?11,850s

Audi A4 1.8TFSI 160 S line, 09 reg, 118k miles ?9,200s

Audi A4 2.0 TDI 143 Exec SE, 2009/59, 101k miles ?8,550s

Audi A5 2.7TDI cabrio Multitronic, 2009/59, 66k miles ?15,200s

BMW 118d M Sport, lthr, 2007/57, 47k miles ?9,500s

BMW 120d SE, 08 reg, 39k miles ?8,800s

BMW 118d SE, 09 reg, 51k miles ?9,400s

BMW E92 320i SE Coupe, 10 reg, 19k miles ?13,500s

Chrysler Grand Voyager 2.8DRD Tour, 2009/59, 24k miles ?14,700s

Ford Fiesta 1.6TDCI Titanium, 09 reg, 46k miles ?6,550s

Ford Fiesta 1.6TDCI Titanium, 09 reg, 29k miles ?7,100s

Ford Focus 1.6TDCI 110 Studio, 2009/59, 174k miles ?3,950s

Ford Mondeo 2.0TDCI 140 Edge estate, 2008/58, 147k miles ?3,250s

Ford Mondeo 2.0TDCI 140 Zetec, 2010/60, 14k miles ?10,000s

Ford Mondeo 2.0TDCI 115 Zetec, 09 reg, 87k miles ?5,000s

Honda Jazz 1.4i-DSI SE CVT-7, 2009/58, 17k miles ?6,000s

Honda Accord 2.2i-CTDI EX, 08 reg, 157k miles ?3,700s

Honda Accord 2.2i-DTEC ES GT, 09 reg, 97k miles ?7,450s

Honda CR-V 2.0i-VTEC ES auto, 09 reg, 28k miles ?12,050

Mazda 6 2.0D 140 TS2, 08 reg, 79k miles ?5,000s

Mazda 6 2.2D 163 TS2, 09 reg, 68k miles ?5,800s

Mercedes SLK 200K manual, 08 reg, 20k miles ?12,500s

Mercedes E220 CDI Blue SE auto, 2009/59, 66k miles ?15,000s

Nissan Note 1.4 Visia, 08 reg, 35k miles ?3,650s

Nissan Note 1.6 Visia auto, 2009/59, 11k miles ?4,950s

Nissan Qashqai 1.6 Acenta, 09 reg, 66k miles ?7,100s

Peugeot 307 1.6HDI 110 Sport, lthr, 07 reg, 97k miles ?2,600s

SAAB 9-3 1.9TTID 180 Edition, 11 reg, 95k miles ?7,800s

Skoda Octavia 1.9TDI Ambiente est, 2008/58, 68k miles ?4,200s

Skoda Octavia 1.6TDI 105 Eleg est DSG, 2012/61, 2k miles ?13,900s

Toyota Avensis 2.0D-4D T2 est, 07 reg, 29k miles ?5,550s

Toyota Avensis 1.8iValvematic T4, 2009/59, 61k miles ?6,700s

Vauxhall Corsa 1.4 Club 5-dr auto, 08 reg, 17k miles ?4,550s

Vauxhall Astra 1.6VVT 115 Design 3-dr, 2007/57, 70k miles ?3,800s

Vauxhall Astra1.7CDTI 110 Eco est, 2009/58, 94k miles ?3,100s

Vauxhall Astra1.9CDTI 120SXI 3-dr, 2009/58, 73k miles ?4,600s

Vauxhall Insignia 2.0CDTI 160 SE, 2009/59, 84k miles ?6,400s

VW Golf 1.4TSI 122 Match, 2008/58, 52k miles ?6,950s

VW Golf 1.9TDI 140 Sport, 06 reg, 75k miles ?4,500s

VW Passat 2.0TDI 140 Highline, 09 reg, 94k miles ?5,700s

Volvo V60 1.6DRIVe 115 SE, 2011/61, 19k miles ?14,700s

To view the full new Lex Autolease sales programme click on?Lex Autolease

As always the best way to look for a specific car coming up at a BCA auction or to pre-check a day?s sale is to visit?Auctionview? If you are a BCA account holder this service also now gives composite price information (average auction price, CAP and Glass?s) and now allows you to buy a selection of cars directly on-line. Main British Car Auctions Website at?BCA Website

Please Note BCA Now Charges All Private Buyers a ?23.50 VCA New Keeper Transfer Fee. On behalf of the vendors, BCA is required to notify DVLA via the V5C of changes of ownership.

BCA Peterborough stages Motorbike sales on the last Friday of each month, with high volume Super Sales featuring ?bikes from Black Horse every two months.? (Next Super Sale on 25th June).?? Sales start at 1pm and all are welcome to attend.?? There is secure motorcycle parking on the day and an expert and enthusiastic Sales Team on hand to answer questions.? Viewing is on the morning of the sale and BCA can arrange transport to anywhere in the UK. Full catalogue details and a picture of every motorbike entered for the sale will be available online in advance through BCA?s exclusive Commercial Auction View service (

For future police sales at West Oxfordshire Motor Auctions. Visit?WOMA?, click on ?stocklist?, then click on search, or use the faxback on 0906 3080 953 at 60p per minute. Sales are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5.30pm.

Brightwells HUGE WEEKLY 4x4 SALE takes place every Tuesday at Easter?s Court on the A49 by-pass, Leominster, Herefordshire, start time 11.00am, phone: 01568 611325, website:?Brightwells?

Last year?Motorpoint?launched auction4cars - an online fee-free alternative to the traditional car auction. It currently sells over 400 cars a week, mostly taken in part-exchange, from its four collection points - Burnley, Derby, Newport and Peterborough. For more information visit?Auction4Cars

For Manheim auctions click on:?Manheim




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Nicole Richie Is Military Chic In DuJour Magazine October 2012

Nicole Richie Is Military Chic In DuJour Magazine October 2012

? By Ondrea September 22, 2012, 10:30am

One of our favorite StyleBlazers, Nicole Richie is looking hot and military chic in a ?Private Benjamin? movie inspired ?spread for DuJour magazine.?In the October issue, Ms. Richie is?showcasing some of the hottest looks??of the season, clad in?Brian Atwood python thigh high boots, Michael Kors felted wool belted peacoat and a few other drool worthy pieces.?She has come a long way from party girl to 30 year old posh businesswoman with a prominent name in the fashion world. Here are some highlights from Nicole?s?sit-down?with DuJour:

On the Private Benjamin movie inspired shoot:

?It?s hilarious. I?m a huge fan of Goldie. But besides that, I gravitated toward the movie because you see her character faced with challenges?she has a choice to go back to what she?s comfortable in or face new challenges. So that concept kind of speaks to me.?

On what sparked her interest in fashion:

?When I was little, the woman who made my dad?s tour costumes would make me a matching figure-skating outfit out of the excess fabric. I would always tell her exactly what I wanted. I was obsessed with Shirley Temple, so the shoulders were puffed, the skirt was out. It was just very, very girly. That whole world was exciting to me. It became this process of something that I knew how to do.?

On surviving in the fashion industry:

?Every season, I have pieces that I?m passionate about but for whatever reason the stores don?t want them. You have to get used to it, show them another season. You have to let them go?.Always be open to criticism. Criticism is the best thing you can ever get because it?s someone?s honest opinion?you need to hear it. What?s the point of hearing how great you are all the time??

Peep Nicole Richie?s military chic spread below!

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Friday, September 21, 2012

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New PS3 Slim Offers Integrated SSD As Industry Is Swept Up By ...

Friday, September 21, 2012

We?ll, it was apparently?just a matter of time, because it looks like game consoles are finally embracing SSDs as well. Sony will be releasing its new PS3 ?Super Slim? any day now, and will offer a variant which includes, you guessed it, long overdue solid state storage. The new, skinnier, PS3 will be delivered in three versions, two with 250GB and 500GB of mechanical storage, and the 12 GB SSD model. It looks like the 250GB, 500GB and 12GB consoles will be priced at $269, $299 and?$229 respectively, and should be avialable any day now.

I?know what everyone is thinking, that 12GB of storage space is barely enough to contain a few installed games, let alone any extra videos or photos (does anyone actually use their PS3 for this?)?you might want to store on the system. However, Sony?s decision to offer SSDs does mark a major milestone in the evolution of game consoles, and I expect there will be much more to come as the major players in this field become more aggressive in their embrace of solid state storage . In fact, I wouldn?t be surprised to see next gen systems forgo mechanical storage altogether and?rely on SSDs exclusively (in fact, Nintendo?s upcoming Wii U appears to do just that). On the other hand, when it comes to consoles, cost really is a?major factor, and there are numerous examples showing that, historically, high priced systems don?t generally do very well in the marketplace. Those of you old enough to remember?3DO hardware will know exactly what I?m talking about.

However, if SSDs do see widespread adoption in the console segment, it could be a major catalyst in driving?down the cost of solid state storage. Indeed, it may actually end up being the biggest boost the industry has ever seen, especially if?the ?big three??start to rely on SSDs exclusively.?If this scenario comes to fruition, it seems there may be no stopping SSDs from reaching critical mass, as their price will likely very quickly achieve parity with mechanical storage. Even though it?s likely that console manufacturers will be selling at cost for a period of time, at this point, I think it?s safe to assume they are quite used to this type of situation. Certainly, it will be worth if it helps hasten the departure of mechanical drives from users? homes. PC gamers, say what you will about consoles, but they may be just the tipping point we were waiting for in the transition from magnetic storage devices to their solid state counterparts .

All in all, it appears that Sony has seen the writing on the wall in the storage segment and responded in kind. Even taking the drive?s small size into consideration, the fact that an SSD has been integrated into a gaming console speaks volumes about just how far the solid state storage industry has come. Once restricted to applications where price was no object, we are now seeing companies employ their use in markets which are particularly sensitive to pricing. This is excellent news, and bodes well for the industry as a whole. The winds of change are blowing in the storage world, and if Sony?s console competitors follow its lead, we may just end up seeing this strong breeze develop into a veritable cyclone. Batten down the hatches!

About the Author

Josh Zale Technology Editor, covering SSDs and every other piece of interesting engineering you can think of. I've been intimately involved with computer hardware since 1998, and haven't looked back. There's always something new to learn about in this industry, and I wouldn't have it any other way.......


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A's beat Tigers to avoid sweep

Associated Press Sports

updated 10:04 p.m. ET Sept. 20, 2012

DETROIT (AP) - The Oakland Athletics avoided a three-game sweep, yet still came out on the losing end.

Seth Smith homered, doubled and drove in four runs, and the Athletics beat the Detroit Tigers 12-4 in a matchup of AL playoff contenders. But the wild-card co-leaders also learned they would be minus starter Brett Anderson for the remainder of the regular season.

An MRI revealed Anderson sustained a Grade 2 strain of his right oblique muscle on Wednesday night, when the left-hander awkwardly fell off the mound and exited after two-plus innings.

Anderson was 4-2 with a 2.57 ERA after six games while coming off Tommy John surgery. The A's revealed the extent of his latest injury after their victory.

"He's a guy that's got ace-type of stuff. It hurts to lose a starting pitcher," Athletics manager Bob Melvin said. "But we've lost a lot of starters in the last month and a half, three."

Melvin said he doesn't know about Anderson's availability for the postseason.

The team also is without Brandon McCarthy, who was hit in the head by a line drive, and Bartolo Colon, who was suspended for using a performance-enhancing drug.

Both clubs are in second place in their divisions, and Oakland is even with Baltimore for the wild-card spot.

The Tigers are two games behind the Central-leading Chicago White Sox.

Outscored 18-4 in the first two games, Oakland held down Miguel Cabrera to win the finale. Cabrera singled in four at-bats, and tops the AL in batting at .333.

Josh Donaldson hit a go-ahead single in a four-run sixth inning that made it 6-3, then had an RBI double to cap a six-run ninth that included Smith's three-run double.

"We're not the type of team to score a run here, a run there, two runs here. We're more of a big-inning team, more often than not," Smith said.

Pat Neshek (2-1) retired the only batter he faced and got the win.

Anibal Sanchez (3-6), who held Cleveland hitless for 6 2-3 innings in his last start, gave up six runs on six hits and two walks in 5 2-3 innings.

Smith hit his 14th homer, a solo shot in the fifth that made it 2-all. The Tigers retook the lead in the bottom half when Cabrera singled and scored on Prince Fielder's double.

The A's went ahead for good in the sixth. Brandon Moss hit a tying double with one out and after Chris Carter struck out and Smith was walked intentionally, Donaldson singled.

Phil Coke relieved and George Kottaras hit a liner that center fielder Austin Jackson misjudged, the ball sailing over his head for a two-run triple.

"It kind of knuckled. I was right there. It just took a left turn on me," Jackson said.

Kottaras felt fortunate.

"I knew I hit it good. I saw him coming in. I thought, `Oh no, he's going to catch it,"' Kottaras said. "Then when I saw it go over his glove. I was like `Great!' But then I thought, `I've got to keep running."'

Andy Dirks led off the Detroit sixth with a home run off Jerry Blevins.

Yoenis Cespedes hit a bases-loaded sacrifice fly to start Oakland's scoring in the ninth.

The Tigers threatened in the first against Tommy Milone, loading the bases before Delmon Young grounded into an inning-ending double play.

"We missed a couple opportunities," Tigers manager Jim Leyland said. "Delmon hit a ball right on the button in the first inning, double-play ball, he hit it right on the nose. We had a couple other opportunities. We had some chances."

Detroit broke through in the second to take a 2-0 lead on Gerald Laird's RBI single and Jackson's sacrifice fly.

Second baseman Omar Infante's throwing error on an attempted double play gave the A's a run in the third. It was his 10th error in 51 games since being acquired from Miami, along with Sanchez, on July 24.

NOTE: Detroit C Alex Avila is no longer having headaches, according to Leyland. Avila sprained his jaw when he collided with Fielder chasing a foul ball on Sunday. ... Cespedes was the designated hitter because of a bone bruise on the bottom of the outfielder's foot that has lingered for the last few days. ... Oakland OF Coco Crisp missed his second game because of an eye allergy. ... The Athletics travel to New York for a three-game weekend series. Jarrod Parker faces CC Sabathia on Friday night. ... Rick Porcello and the Tigers host Sam Dedundo and Minnesota on Friday night.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, September 20, 2012

APNewsBreak: US surge troops out of Afghanistan

(AP) ? Nearly two years after President Barack Obama ordered 33,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan to tamp down the escalating Taliban violence, the last of those surge troops have left the country, U.S. officials said Thursday.

The withdrawal, which leaves 68,000 American forces in the warzone, comes as the security transition to Afghan forces is in trouble, threatened by a spike in so-called insider attacks in which Afghan Army and police troops, or insurgents dressed in their uniforms, have been attacking and killing U.S. and NATO forces.

And it's called into question the core strategy that relies on NATO troops working shoulder to shoulder with Afghans, training them to take over the security of their own country so the U.S. and its allies can leave at the end of 2014 as planned.

The number of U.S. forces there peaked at about 101,000 last year, and they have been coming out slowly over the past several months.

The surge was aimed at beating back the Taliban to give the Afghan government and its security forces the time and space to take hold. The key goal was to ensure that the Taliban did not regain a foothold in the country that could allow it once again to become a safe haven for terror groups. And there was hope that Taliban members would be willing to come to the peace table.

Military commanders say the war strategy is on track and that they have made broad gains against the Taliban, wresting control of areas where the insurgents once had strong footholds. And U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has characterized the insider attacks as the last gasp of a desperate insurgency.

But other top military leaders, including U.S. Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are worried about the impact of the attacks on the troops. Dempsey called them a "very serious threat" to the war campaign and has declared that "something has to change."

Associated Press


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Read More:

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pakistani PM agrees to court demand in graft case

ISLAMABAD (AP) ? Pakistan's prime minister told the Supreme Court on Tuesday that the government would comply with a longstanding demand to reopen an old corruption case against the president, defusing a conflict that has roiled the country's political system and led to the ouster of the last premier.

President Asif Ali Zardari is likely in little immediate danger from the case in Switzerland, where he is recognized as enjoying immunity from prosecution as a foreign head of state.

But the decision came as somewhat of a surprise to many in Pakistan, given the government had refused for months to follow the court's order to write a letter to Swiss authorities asking them to reopen the case.

Both sides have come under public criticism for their focus on the case, rather than dealing with what are perceived as more serious problems facing the country, such as the weak economy, pervasive electricity shortages and a bloody Taliban insurgency.

Pakistani Law Minister Farooq Naek recently traveled to Switzerland to talk to officials about the case, and analysts said the government may have decided the risk of the Swiss reopening the proceedings was low enough to write a carefully worded letter.

"My view is that the government would never write a letter if they had not foreclosed any risk from doing so," said Rasul Bakhsh Rais, a political science professor at Lahore University of Management Sciences. "They seem to be certain that nothing will happen to the president, and even if there is a slight chance the case is reopened, they will be able to invoke presidential immunity."

Pakistani Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf said he finally ordered the law minister to write to the Swiss "in the larger interest of the country, in the larger interest of the people of Pakistan and in the larger interest of the integrity of Pakistan."

"I don't want to be seen standing on the wrong side of the history," Ashraf said, appearing before the judges.

Rais, the political science professor, said both the government and the court seemed exhausted by the conflict over the case and were seeking a way to move forward.

"The case is irrelevant compared to the enormous problems of law and order, energy, governance and the effectiveness of the judiciary in other cases," said Rais.

The case relates to millions of dollars in kickbacks that Zardari and his late wife, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, allegedly received from Swiss companies when she was in power in the 1990s.

Pakistan was originally a civil party to the case because it was trying to reclaim the money. But it withdrew in 2008 after the Pakistani government issued an ordinance giving Zardari and other politicians immunity from prosecution in old corruption cases.

The Supreme Court declared the ordinance unconstitutional in 2009 and demanded the government write a letter to the Swiss to reopen the case, but it refused, citing the president's immunity from prosecution while in office. The prime minister said Tuesday that the letter written by the law minister would ask the Swiss to ignore the government's previous withdrawal from the case.

The Swiss indicated last year that they have no plans to continue with the case, at least while Zardari is in office.

The Pakistani government's supporters have accused the Supreme Court of relentlessly pursuing the case because of bad blood between Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and Zardari.

The judges convicted former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani of contempt of court for refusing to follow their orders and ousted him from office in June. The government then rallied support in parliament to elect the current prime minister.

The lead judge hearing the case, Asif Saeed Khosa, has struck a more conciliatory tone this time around, possibly because of public criticism of the court for actions that could lead to the downfall of the first civilian government poised to finish its five-year term in the country's history. Past governments were toppled by direct or indirect intervention by the country's powerful army, often with help of the judiciary.

The current government's term ends in early 2013. There is little chance of a coup, but some expected the government would be forced to call early elections.

Khosa thanked the prime minister Tuesday for giving "us a commitment to make serious, sincere efforts to implement the orders of the court." He gave the government until Sept. 25 to write the letter to the Swiss.

The move could leave Zardari open to the risk of prosecution after his term ends in 2013. But there has also been debate about whether the case's statute of limitations will have expired by then.

Also on Tuesday, a roadside bomb ripped through a passenger bus carrying Shiite Muslims in southwestern Pakistan, killing at least three and injuring 10 others, local police official Buland Khan said. The bomb targeted minority Shiites pilgrims who were traveling to Iran.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but Sunni extremists, who often do not believe that Shiites are true Muslims, have carried out scores of such attacks on them in Baluchistan in recent years.


Associated Press writers Zarar Khan and Sebastian Abbot contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

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Occupy Wall Street marks anniversary, dozens arrested

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York police on Monday arrested dozens of Occupy Wall Street activists who gathered in the city's financial district, where they sought to disrupt traffic and surround the New York Stock Exchange as part of a day of protests to mark the movement's first anniversary.

The protests attracted about a thousand activists, far fewer than last fall's numbers, highlighting the challenge the movement has faced in trying to sustain momentum after sparking a national conversation about economic inequality last fall.

The New York Police Department, which set up a broad perimeter to block access to the NYSE by anyone other than exchange workers, said it has made "multiple arrests" by midmorning. Police were also posted at major banks and government buildings, and guarded Wall Street' landmark Charging Bull, a 7,100 pound bronze sculpture.

Gideon Orion Oliver, a lawyer who represents a number of protesters and the president of the New York Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, estimated in a Twitter posting that about 90 protesters had been arrested. Among those was retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard, who also was arrested last December.

Occupy Wall Street protesters, who popularized the phrase "We are the 99 percent," gathered early Monday near Zuccotti Park, where a spontaneous encampment became their unofficial headquarters last year, but were again barred access by police.

Several protesters held signs, one saying "END the FED," another reading: "We Are Students, Not Customers."

"What happened here a year ago was a process that cannot be stopped," Pulitzer-prize winning author Chris Hedges said. "What happened here a year ago will ultimately spell the doom of the corporate state."

The grassroots movement caught the world by surprise last fall with a spontaneous encampment in lower Manhattan that soon spread to cities across North America and Europe.

Occupy Wall Street briefly buoyed a spirit of U.S. social activism, and drew attention to economic injustice.

The group sponsored a series of activities over the weekend, attended by crowds that never exceeded the hundreds. New York police arrested about three dozen people at those events.

(Writing by Dan Burns; Editing by Vicki Allen)


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