Thursday, February 28, 2013

Discoveries suggest icy cosmic start for amino acids and DNA ingredients

Discoveries suggest icy cosmic start for amino acids and DNA ingredients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Feb-2013
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Contact: Dave Finley
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Important prebiotic chemicals found in interstellar space

Using new technology at the telescope and in laboratories, researchers have discovered an important pair of prebiotic molecules in interstellar space. The discoveries indicate that some basic chemicals that are key steps on the way to life may have formed on dusty ice grains floating between the stars.

The scientists used the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia to study a giant cloud of gas some 25,000 light-years from Earth, near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The chemicals they found in that cloud include a molecule thought to be a precursor to a key component of DNA and another that may have a role in the formation of the amino acid alanine.

One of the newly-discovered molecules, called cyanomethanimine, is one step in the process that chemists believe produces adenine, one of the four nucleobases that form the "rungs" in the ladder-like structure of DNA. The other molecule, called ethanamine, is thought to play a role in forming alanine, one of the twenty amino acids in the genetic code.

"Finding these molecules in an interstellar gas cloud means that important building blocks for DNA and amino acids can 'seed' newly-formed planets with the chemical precursors for life," said Anthony Remijan, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).

In each case, the newly-discovered interstellar molecules are intermediate stages in multi-step chemical processes leading to the final biological molecule. Details of the processes remain unclear, but the discoveries give new insight on where these processes occur.

Previously, scientists thought such processes took place in the very tenuous gas between the stars. The new discoveries, however, suggest that the chemical formation sequences for these molecules occurred not in gas, but on the surfaces of ice grains in interstellar space.

"We need to do further experiments to better understand how these reactions work, but it could be that some of the first key steps toward biological chemicals occurred on tiny ice grains," Remijan said.

The discoveries were made possible by new technology that speeds the process of identifying the "fingerprints" of cosmic chemicals. Each molecule has a specific set of rotational states that it can assume. When it changes from one state to another, a specific amount of energy is either emitted or absorbed, often as radio waves at specific frequencies that can be observed with the GBT.

New laboratory techniques have allowed astrochemists to measure the characteristic patterns of such radio frequencies for specific molecules. Armed with that information, they then can match that pattern with the data received by the telescope. Laboratories at the University of Virginia and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics measured radio emission from cyanomethanimine and ethanamine, and the frequency patterns from those molecules then were matched to publicly-available data produced by a survey done with the GBT from 2008 to 2011.

A team of undergraduate students participating in a special summer research program for minority students at the University of Virginia (U.Va.) conducted some of the experiments leading to the discovery of cyanomethanimine. The students worked under U.Va. professors Brooks Pate and Ed Murphy, and Remijan. The program, funded by the National Science Foundation, brought students from four universities for summer research experiences. They worked in Pate's astrochemistry laboratory, as well as with the GBT data.

"This is a pretty special discovery and proves that early-career students can do remarkable research," Pate said.

The researchers are reporting their findings in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.


The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

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Discoveries suggest icy cosmic start for amino acids and DNA ingredients [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Feb-2013
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Contact: Dave Finley
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Important prebiotic chemicals found in interstellar space

Using new technology at the telescope and in laboratories, researchers have discovered an important pair of prebiotic molecules in interstellar space. The discoveries indicate that some basic chemicals that are key steps on the way to life may have formed on dusty ice grains floating between the stars.

The scientists used the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia to study a giant cloud of gas some 25,000 light-years from Earth, near the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The chemicals they found in that cloud include a molecule thought to be a precursor to a key component of DNA and another that may have a role in the formation of the amino acid alanine.

One of the newly-discovered molecules, called cyanomethanimine, is one step in the process that chemists believe produces adenine, one of the four nucleobases that form the "rungs" in the ladder-like structure of DNA. The other molecule, called ethanamine, is thought to play a role in forming alanine, one of the twenty amino acids in the genetic code.

"Finding these molecules in an interstellar gas cloud means that important building blocks for DNA and amino acids can 'seed' newly-formed planets with the chemical precursors for life," said Anthony Remijan, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).

In each case, the newly-discovered interstellar molecules are intermediate stages in multi-step chemical processes leading to the final biological molecule. Details of the processes remain unclear, but the discoveries give new insight on where these processes occur.

Previously, scientists thought such processes took place in the very tenuous gas between the stars. The new discoveries, however, suggest that the chemical formation sequences for these molecules occurred not in gas, but on the surfaces of ice grains in interstellar space.

"We need to do further experiments to better understand how these reactions work, but it could be that some of the first key steps toward biological chemicals occurred on tiny ice grains," Remijan said.

The discoveries were made possible by new technology that speeds the process of identifying the "fingerprints" of cosmic chemicals. Each molecule has a specific set of rotational states that it can assume. When it changes from one state to another, a specific amount of energy is either emitted or absorbed, often as radio waves at specific frequencies that can be observed with the GBT.

New laboratory techniques have allowed astrochemists to measure the characteristic patterns of such radio frequencies for specific molecules. Armed with that information, they then can match that pattern with the data received by the telescope. Laboratories at the University of Virginia and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics measured radio emission from cyanomethanimine and ethanamine, and the frequency patterns from those molecules then were matched to publicly-available data produced by a survey done with the GBT from 2008 to 2011.

A team of undergraduate students participating in a special summer research program for minority students at the University of Virginia (U.Va.) conducted some of the experiments leading to the discovery of cyanomethanimine. The students worked under U.Va. professors Brooks Pate and Ed Murphy, and Remijan. The program, funded by the National Science Foundation, brought students from four universities for summer research experiences. They worked in Pate's astrochemistry laboratory, as well as with the GBT data.

"This is a pretty special discovery and proves that early-career students can do remarkable research," Pate said.

The researchers are reporting their findings in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.


The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Urban baby blog: My toddler wants a tattoo

My two year old daughter likes to ask me if she can get a tattoo. Obviously I?m not going to take her to get one, but she asks me every day anyway.

What the heck kind of toddler wants a tattoo? Children want to imitate their parents. Adi wants to imitate me. I have tattoos. A couple of them are rather large. ?One of my larger tattoos is a peacock on my right arm that goes from my shoulder to my elbow. Adi will talk to it sometimes. She?ll name all of the different parts of the bird (beak, eyes, feathers, etc), and if she sees a peacock at the zoo she?ll try to introduce it to my arm.

Two year olds are very visual kids, so one of the big ways Adi can imitate me is by painting her arms and legs to look like me. And she does. ?Whenever we?re painting together at home, Adi will start painting herself. I think it?s sweet that she wants to be like me.

RachelandtattoosI have enough tattoos in enough places that hiding them from Adi is impossible. I also plan on getting more, so if I want Adi to develop a sane and healthy attitude towards body modification I have to be open about it with her, and be a good example on how to do it properly and safely.

I let Adi sit in the room with me while I?m getting tattoos. She never stays for long (after a while it gets kind of boring) and she isn?t disruptive. Adi has seen my peacock tattoo in every stage, from start to finish.?Adi saw the peacock when it was just a sketch on paper. She saw the sketches I traded back and forth with my tattoo artist (his name is Babiery Hernandez, and he?s fantastic by the way). She knew where the peacock was going to go on my arm (right under another tattoo), and how big it would be. Tattoo design and implementation takes a long time (for me anyway) and I want Adi to appreciate that. Large tattoos like that also take a long time to physically apply and are rough on the skin, so for the first month of the bird?s existence it was just the outline and shading. Adi also sees that they hurt. I?m not screaming or anything, but tattoos hurt (more in some places) and you can see it in my face. Adi sees the artist ask if I?m okay and she always hears me say that I?m fine. Since seeing my peacock get done, I?m finding that Adi has either a higher tolerance for pain, or is otherwise less dramatic about it.

I also make sure that Adi sees me doing my aftercare routine. She sees me clean it, put on ointment, and look at it to make sure nothing gets infected. That?s hugely important. Tattoos aren?t just a ?set it and forget it? kind of thing. You have to take care of them after you get them. Adi needs to see that too.

Adi can also see that I have a friendly relationship with tattoo artists, and she sees that they?re respectful to our family. She sees that the parlor is clean. She sees that I take it seriously. If, when Adi gets older, she wants tattoos, I want her to take it seriously too.

Adi will tell people about my tattoos too. That ?the man drew the bird? on my arm with ?arm paint? and she?ll point to it. Then she?ll turn to me, point to her arm and ask me where her bird is. I?ll smile and tell her that one day, when she?s a grown up she can get one if she wants.?It?s cute. Some people think it?s a little creepy for a toddler to talk to a picture of a bird on her mother?s arm, but I think it?s cute.

Adi might not get any tattoos at all (her father doesn?t have any? maybe she?ll want to be like him), but if she does, I want to make sure she does it safely, happily, and regret free.

Rachel Figueroa-Levin is a soapmaker,?cofounder and educator at Urban Babywearing, a?hyperlocal Inwood blogger and organizer, a?political/life/religion/parenting satirist, and all around trouble maker.? She is also the creator of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg?s Spanish-speaking alter ego @elbloombito.? You can reach her via twitter @Jewyorican.?

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Russia piles pressure on opposition leader with new accusation

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian investigators said on Wednesday a prominent critic of President Vladimir Putin had gained his qualifications as a lawyer illegally, piling more pressure on the opposition leader who already faces three criminal investigations.

Alexei Navalny, an anti-corruption blogger, was a leader of a street protest movement against Putin's 13-year rule that started after mass allegations of fraud in a parliamentary election in December 2011.

But the protests have withered and made no significant inroads into the president's grip on power.

Russia's federal Investigative Committee, which answers only to Putin, has launched criminal charges against several leaders of the street protests. Putin's critics accuse the president of cracking down on dissent since his return to the Kremlin last May.

The committee said on Wednesday that Navalny had in the past provided fraudulent paperwork to confirm the work experience he had needed to become qualified as a lawyer.

"An investigation revealed the fact that Alexei Navalny illegally obtained his lawyer's status," said spokesman Vladimir Markin.

Navalny, who worked as a commercial lawyer before taking up political activism, said there were no grounds to strip him of his legal credentials.

The 36-year-old has already been charged with stealing timber worth more than $500,000 from a state company in 2009; embezzling up to $3.24 million from a political party in 2007; and, along with his brother, cheating a mail-transport company out of $1.79 million.

He has denied any wrongdoing and dismissed the charges against him as politically motivated.

Navalny and other opposition figures say Putin has used the justice system to persecute his adversaries and the parliament to adopt laws aimed at stifling the opposition movement.

(Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Pravin Char)


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Scallywagandvagabond looking to hire tabloid interns.

Tabloid journalist

And finally it became time to become a tabloid journalist?

Do any of these words, phrases mean anything to you? Kim Kardashian, gender rights, gay rights, human rights, the fall of celebrity, irony, photo shop faux pas, tragedy, gallery owners who don?t pay their artists, assassination, aesthetics, society, fashion wannabe, loser, sleazy, sex starved affair with prebuscent models?

If so please continue to read on?

Scallywagandvagabond?a high yielding world read cultural/fashion/current events/celebrity/gossip NYC based tabloid journal is looking to fill the following positions:

tabloid blogger interns, fashion blogger interns, editorial-features interns and society blogger interns

Interns must commit a total of 15-20 hours a week(sometimes here with us and sometimes from the comfort of your boudoir) where you will be compensated via college credit. Yes college credit, so these posts will only work for those of you who are still at school with the ambition of being writers, bloggers, journalists.


If you wish to eventually celebrity blog for us you must have writing samples or preferably your own blog and have cutting wit.

If we take you on we will offer you a comprehensive apprentice program where you will be groomed to write high yielding traffic content dissecting scandal, gossip, or ennui within news, celebrity, society, politics and current events.

Initially you will be groomed with all the dynamics to social media strategy with our technology team as well as what makes for good tabloid copy hands on with the Editor in Chief. Me.

Expect to spend time learning and actively helping us social network our articles, gaining an intricate understanding of media, as well as finessing your blogging skills. If you are interested in a career in fashion blogging/ tabloid/celebrity or editorial blogging this would be a stellar springboard. We will at some point offer compensation and possible full time employment with our concern.


This would best suit an individual who has a savvy knowledge and appreciation of fashion as well as their own sense of style. Expect to write fashion copy for us, interview designers, models, write about trends and the gossip/scandal in the fashion world. You will also be sitting front row with our editor in chief during NY fashion week as well.

We would prefer an individual who is currently studying fashion or design or is working within fashion. But ideally has their own fashion blog.


You will be encouraged to write discerning editorial content dissecting current cultural trends, news events, and current paradigms within politics, society, celebrity, gender studies, the arts, theater and entertainment. Unlike most journals we will give you wide latitude and would prefer articles that force the reader to digest a wider parameter of ideas. The ability to think critically is paramount to us. And naturally to you as well.

You will also be working side by side with the editor in chief, clarifying which themes the journal will be concentrating on, which subjects to feature as well as facilitating our coverage of said themes, interview subjects and editorial ideas. This would be perfect for someone who one day sees themselves becoming their own editor in chief/creative director and or publisher. Please be exceptional.

Good luck to you all. Looking forward to hearing from you with cover letter, resume and samples of your work.- best the Editor.

above image found here


Tags: scallywagandvagabond,, tabloid


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Dubai officials block Bahrain-based AP journalist

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) ? Two Bahrain-based journalists, including a reporter for The Associated Press, were blocked from entering the United Arab Emirates on Monday under apparent new restrictions by Gulf Arab states.

Reem Khalifa and her husband, Mansoor al-Jamri, chief editor for Bahrain's independent Al Wasat newspaper, said they were told by authorities at Dubai International Airport that they were on a list to deny entry.

No further explanations were immediately given, but it appears part of tighter coordination between Gulf allies to control and monitor journalists, activists and others in the region.

Like all Gulf partners, the UAE has expanded crackdowns on perceived political dissent since the Arab Spring, including charging 94 people last month with conspiring to overthrow the ruling system. But it still remains among the most open countries in the Gulf for journalists, researchers and scholars.

Bahrain's 2-year-old uprising is a critical issue for Gulf leaders, who want to safeguard the ruling families across the region.

Khalifa and her husband ? on a private visit to Dubai ? closely cover Bahrain's struggles between majority Shiites and the Sunni rulers in the strategic kingdom, which is home to the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet.

Khalifa had visited Dubai last year without incident. Al-Jamri was among the winners in 2011 of the International Press Freedom Award by the Committee to Protect Journalists.

A senior UAE official said airport immigration issues fall under Dubai police, which had no immediate comment. Bahrainis and other citizens from the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council ? as well as many Western passport holders ? can enter the UAE without a pre-arranged visa.

Bahrain, however, has imposed a special journalist visa that has sharply limited outside media access to the country.

Last week, the UAE also denied entry to a prominent academic from the London School of Economics who was scheduled to speak about Bahrain at a conference on the Arab Spring.

The UAE's Foreign Ministry said Monday that Kristian Coates Ulrichsen was not allowed into the country because his work has been critical of Bahrain's monarchy, which is closely backed by other Gulf leaders. The UAE said "non-constructive" views on Bahrain are unwelcome.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

NVIDIA details the T4i and Phoenix reference phone in latest video

NVIDIA knows we're all interested in the new Tegra 4 and Tegra 4i platform, and today they are throwing us a bit of a treat, video-style. Formerly known as Project Grey, the T4i is designed to deliver great performance in a smartphone, along with an integrated 4G LTE modem. To showcase this, they have built the Phoenix reference phone.

It's a complete package, sporting a 5-inch 1080p display, 13MP camera with NVIDIA's "Chimera" tech 60 GeForce GPU cores, and the T4i with integrated LTE. Since this isn't something that is going to be widely available for most of us, having a look at it on video may be as close as we ever get. 

Source: NVIDIA


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Can Scientists (and Wasps) Save Orange Juice? [Slide Show and Video]

orange juice, asian citrus, psyllids, psyllid nymphs, orange juice industry, citrus fruits, endangered citrus Image: Jason Mottern, Department of Entomology, University of California Riverside

For my March feature on a disease that is threatening the U.S. citrus industry (?The End of Orange Juice?), I spent time with researchers and growers who are working to stop this bacterial illness, which leaves fruit green and bitter and kills trees. Known as huanglongbing (HLB)? -- Chinese for yellow dragon disease -- it is caused by bacteria that hide in the salivary glands of invasive insects known as Asian citrus psyllids. The pests arrived in the U.S. in the late 1990s and have spread the disease by injecting germs into plants as they feed on sap from their leaves. There is no cure for the disease.?

Huanglongbing, which is also called citrus greening, was first spotted in Florida?the heart of America?s orange juice industry -- in 2005 and has since spread to Georgia, South Carolina, Texas and southern California. Nearly every commercial grove in Florida has been infected, costing the state billions of dollars and thousands of lost jobs. Late in 2012, the first Asian citrus psyllid was spotted in California?s commercial groves--which grow nearly 80 percent of all the fresh oranges produced in the U.S.--most likely heralding the arrival of the disease.?

? View the Slide Show

Scientists are looking at many different approaches to managing and eradicating the disease. Many say the only long-term solution will be genetic modification, which is still years away. In the meantime, entomologists are using biological control -- the practice of releasing living organisms to prey on pests -- as a means of keeping psyllid populations in check in residential areas where pesticide sprays have failed. (In Los Angeles, for example, psyllids multiplied so quickly on backyard citrus trees that state authorities couldn?t keep pace). Mark and Christina Hoddle, entomologists at the University of California, Riverside, have imported tiny wasps from Pakistan to feast on Asian citrus psyllids and have released them at more than 100 sites in Los Angeles, Riverside, and Orange and San Bernardino counties. (The wasps do not sting humans). In this video, Christina releases a vial of wasps--29 females and 15 males--on a curry bush in the parking lot of a Los Angeles hotel. (Curry is a citrus relative). The site may seem random, but in fact the Hoddles used state data to identify this site as being particularly infested with Asian citrus psyllids, which Christina calls ?ACP? for short in this clip. She also talks about having previously scouted the shrub to make sure it has plenty of psyllid nymphs at the 4th and 5th instars, which are the two life stages that the wasps attack.



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Jodi Arias set to be grilled on stand in murder trial

Tom Tingle / The Arizona Republic via AP

Prosecutor Juan Martinez asks defendant Jodi Arias a question about her diary during cross examination testimony in Maricopa County Superior Court in Phoenix.

By Brian Skoloff, The Associated Press

Jodi Arias resumes testimony Monday in her Arizona murder trial after the start of a withering cross-examination last week by a prosecutor working to poke holes in her numerous stories.

She is charged in the June 2008 stabbing and shooting death of her lover in his suburban Phoenix home. Arias claims self-defense, while authorities say she planned the attack on Travis Alexander in a jealous rage. Testimony has been ongoing since early January.

Arias, 32, lost a bid last week aimed at getting a reprieve from a potential death sentence if convicted of first-degree murder after the Arizona Supreme Court swiftly denied her motion that claimed a detective committed perjury in the case. Her attorneys have filed multiple motions for mistrials, all of which have been denied.

She was set to resume testimony Monday for her 10th day on the witness stand.

Last week, prosecutor Juan Martinez hammered Arias with intense questioning about her inability to recall crucial details in the case, yet noted it was puzzling that she can remember "what kind of coffee you bought at Starbucks sometime back in 2008."

Arias smirked at times while Martinez stammered in frustration, and the judge admonished both to stop talking over each other as the questioning grew heated and the two traded barbs.

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Martinez resumes his cross-examination Monday likely continuing to focus on Arias' repeated lies.

Arias first told authorities she knew nothing about Alexander's death, then later blamed it on masked intruders before eventually settling on self-defense.

She said she was scared of being arrested, had been contemplating suicide and didn't want to sully Alexander's name with accounts of his violent behavior and lurid details of their sexual relationship, given his public persona as a devout Mormon who was saving himself for marriage.

Of the day she killed Alexander, Arias says she remembers him in a rage, body slamming her and chasing her around his home.

She said she grabbed a gun from his closet, and fired it as they tussled, but didn't know if she hit him. She had no explanation for the 27 stab and slash wounds he suffered, or his slit throat, or how he ended up stuffed in his shower.

According to court records, however, she previously told police before her trial began that Alexander was unconscious after she shot him, but then "crawled around and was stabbed."

She says she remembers putting a knife in the dishwasher and disposing of the gun in the desert as she drove from Arizona on her way to Utah. And she immediately began planning an alibi.

Arias' grandparents reported a .25 caliber handgun stolen from their Northern California house about a week before the killing ? the same caliber used to shoot Alexander ? but Arias claims to know nothing about the burglary. She says she brought no weapons to Alexander's home on the day she killed him, undercutting the prosecution's theory of premeditation.

? 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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PST: Is there a new MLS logo in the works?

Lordy, lordy, what did we do before Twitter?

This evening from the Twitter world we get a hint that Major League Soccer?s long-standing logo may be changing.

Someone who reads the fine print noticed a job ad from adidas group and then alerted the world ? via the wonder of Twitter. Here are the words grabbing attention as this thing spins through the social media rinse cycle. These are under ?Project Description:?

Support Global Product Creation during transition into new MLS logo ? all MLS/adidas branded products will be affected?

Interesting, eh?

We?ll dig around a little with people in the know at MLS HQ. And then we?ll let you know. Here ? and via Twitter.


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Monday, February 25, 2013

Watershed elections in Italy

ROME (AP) ? Will Italy stay the course with painful economic reform? Or fall back into the old habit of profligacy and inertia? These are the stakes as Italy votes in a watershed parliamentary election Sunday and Monday that could shape the future of one of Europe's biggest economies.

Fellow EU countries and investors are watching closely, as the decisions that Italy makes over the next several months promise to have a profound impact on whether Europe can decisively put out the flames of its financial crisis. Greece's troubles in recent years were enough to spark a series of market panics. With an economy almost 10 times the size of Greece's, Italy is simply too big a country for Europe, and the world, to see fail.

Leading the electoral pack is Pier Luigi Bersani, a former communist who has shown a pragmatic streak in supporting tough economic reforms spearheaded by incumbent Mario Monti. On Bersani's heels is Silvio Berlusconi, the billionaire media mogul seeking an unlikely political comeback after being forced from the premiership by Italy's debt crisis. Monti, while widely credited with saving Italy from financial ruin, is trailing badly as he pays the price for the suffering caused by austerity measures.

Then there's the wild card: comic-turned-politician Beppe Grillo, whose protest movement against the entrenched political class has been drawing tens of thousands to rallies in piazzas across Italy. If his self-styled political "tsunami" sweeps into Parliament with a big chunk of seats, Italy could be in store for a prolonged period of political confusion that would spook the markets.

While a man of the left, Bersani has shown himself to have a surprising amount in common with the center-right Monti ? and the two have hinted at the possibility of teaming up in a coalition. Bersani was Monti's most loyal backer in Parliament during the respected economist's tenure at the head of a technocratic government. And in ministerial posts in previous center-left governments, Bersani fought hard to free up such areas of the economy as energy, insurance and banking services.

But it's uncertain that Monti will be able muster the votes needed to give Bersani's Democratic Party a stable majority in both houses of Parliament.

"Forming a government with a stable parliamentary alliance may prove tricky after elections," said Eoin Ryan, an analyst with IHS Global Insight. "A surge in support for anti-austerity parties is raising chances of an indecisive election result and post-vote political instability."

Another factor is turnout. Usually some 80 percent of the 50 million eligible voters go to the polls but experts are predicting many will stay away in anger, hurting mainstream parties.

When Berlusconi stepped down in November 2011, newspapers were writing his political obituary. At 76, blamed for mismanaging the economy and disgraced by criminal allegations of sex with an underage prostitute, the billionaire media baron appeared finished as a political force.

But Berlusconi has proven time and again ? over 20 years at the center of Italian politics ? that he should never be counted out.

The campaign strategy that has allowed him to become a contender in these elections is a simple one: please the masses by throwing around cash.

Berlusconi has promised to give back an unpopular property tax imposed by Monti as part of austerity measures. Even his purchase of start striker Mario Balotelli for his AC Milan soccer team was widely seen as a ploy to buy votes. Berlusconi has also appealed to Italy's right-wing by praising Italy's former fascist dictator Benito Mussolini during a ceremony commemorating Holocaust victims.

The most recent polls show Bersani in the lead with 33 percent of the vote, against 28 percent for Berlusconi's coalition with the populist Northern League. Grillo's 5 Star movement was in a surprise third place, with 17 percent support, while Monti's centrist coalition was notching 13 percent. The COESIS poll of 6,212 respondents had a margin of error of plus or minus 1.2 percent.

Pollster Renato Mannheimer said among his biggest clients heading into the elections were foreign banks seeking to gauge whether to hold or sell Italian bonds.

"They are worried mostly about the return of Berlusconi," Mannheimer said.

Uncertainty over the outcome of the vote has pushed the Milan stock exchange down in the days running up to the vote and bumped up borrowing costs, as investors express concern that Italy may back down from a reform course to pull the country out of recession.

Mannheimer said many undecided voters ? who comprise around one-third of the total electorate ? identify with the center-right, and that may help Berlusconi. He said that the undecided vote may also tilt heavily toward Grillo's protest movement.

The professorial Monti looked uncomfortable at first as a candidate but has recently warmed to the role. Like the others, he has not shied away from name calling, warning that Berlusconi is a "charlatan" and saying his return would be "horrific."

Bond analyst Nicholas Spiro said the election "will deliver the most important verdict on the eurozone's three-year-old austerity focused policies."

But he is betting on a period of political instability after the vote.

"An upset victory by Mr. Berlusconi may be markets' nightmare scenario," he said, "but the prospects for a stable and harmonious Bersani-Monti coalition government ? still the mostly likely outcome in our view ? are bleak."


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

John Stamos Cast In 'I Am Victor' For NBC And More Pilot News

  • "666 Park Avenue"

    <strong>"666 Park Ave.," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Canceled <strong>Why</strong>: <a href="">ABC pulled the plug</a> on this supernatural drama earlier in the season.

  • "The Bachelor"

    <strong>"The Bachelor," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: While ratings may have dropped, "The Bachelor" will likely see another season on ABC as tabloids and viewers still care about the comings and goings of contestants.

  • "Body of Proof"

    <strong>"Body of Proof," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: ABC is keen on this Dana Delany drama, but the ratings for this upcoming third season will be the true test.

  • "Castle"

    <strong>"Castle," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed. <strong>Why</strong>: Strong ratings and a dedicated viewership will keep "Castle" on the schedule.

  • "Dancing With the Stars"

    <strong>"Dancing With the Stars," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: The series is hurting in the ratings ... by "DWTS" standards. It's still a strong player for ABC, but the new season hasn't premiered yet.

  • "Don't Trust The B---- In Apt. 23"

    <strong>"Don't Trust The B---- In Apt. 23," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Canceled <strong>Why</strong>: <a href="">ABC pulled the low-rated comedy</a> from it schedule and the stars took to Twitter to announce the cancellation.

  • "Family Tools"

    <strong>"Family Tools," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Too soon to tell <strong>Why</strong>: This ABC comedy has yet to debut, but a May 1 premiere date doesn't look great.

  • "Grey's Anatomy"

    <strong>"Grey's Anatomy," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: America still loves McDreamy and the goings on at Seattle Grace. Expect "Grey's" to return.

  • "Happy Endings"

    <strong>"Happy Endings," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: Always the bubble show, never the surefire renewal hit. "Happy Endings" has suffered from many ratings ailments, including bad scheduling (<a href="">it's moving to Friday night</a>) and lack of promo. But this ahmahzing show has some serious fans that could keep it afloat for another season ... maybe on another network (a la "Cougar Town.")

  • "How To Live With Your Parents (For The Rest Of Your Life)"

    <strong>"How To Live With Your Parents (For The Rest Of Your Life)," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Too soon to tell <strong>Why</strong>: The ABC comedy starring Sarah Chalke has yet to debut, but its late season bow doesn't exactly bode well for its future.

  • "Last Man Standing"

    <strong>"Last Man Standing," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: Viewers still love Tim Allen! Paired with "Malibu Country," "Last Man Standing" has been performing well on Friday nights and <a href="">will soon see Allen's "Home Improvement" co-star Jonathan Tyler Thomas</a>.

  • "Last Resort"

    <strong>"Last Resort," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Canceled <strong>Why</strong>: <a href="">ABC killed the Shawn Ryan drama</a> in late 2012.

  • "Malibu Country"

    <strong>"Malibu Country," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: "Malibu Country" has been performing well on Friday nights. Lesson: Never underestimate the star power of Reba.

  • "The Middle"

    <strong>"The Middle," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: Now in its fourth season, "The Middle" is still pulling in more than 8 million viewers an episode as the anchor of ABC's Wednesday comedies.

  • "Mistresses"

    <strong>"Mistresses," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Too soon to tell <strong>Why</strong>: ABC sent out the pilot with its 2012-2013 offerings, but the drama, which is based on the UK series of the same name, has yet to premiere despite having Alyssa Milano and "Lost" alum Yunjin Kim.

  • "Modern Family"

    <strong>"Modern Family," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: A fan favorite and Emmy darling, "Modern Family" will be back and will make ABC lots of money in syndication.

  • "Nashville"

    <strong>"Nashville," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: Critical acclaim doesn't always equate to rating success. The show has stabilized in Nielsen ratings, but its future really depends on the strength of ABC's drama pilots.

  • "The Neighbors"

    <strong>"The Neighbors," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: One of the few "hits" of the season, "The Neighbors" has found an audience and kept it pretty steadily week after week (<a href="">much to our dismay</a>).

  • "Once Upon a Time"

    <strong>"Once Upon a Time," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: A ratings hit in its second season, "Once Upon a Time" is almost sure to be back for a third season full of fairytale adventures.

  • "Private Practice"

    <strong>"Private Practice," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Ended <strong>Why</strong>: The "Grey's Anatomy" spinoff said goodbye in January 2013.

  • "Red Widow"

    <strong>"Red Widow," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Too soon to tell <strong>Why</strong>: The show has a late February debut on ABC.

  • "Revenge"

    <strong>"Revenge," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: "Revenge" has fallen out of critical favor and seen lower ratings in its new Sunday night home. But none of ABC's freshman dramas are doing well, so that works in the show's favor.

  • "Rookie Blue"

    <strong>"Rookie Blue," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Renewed <strong>Why</strong>: The Canadian co-production will return for a fourth season on ABC during the summer of 2013.

  • "Scandal"

    <strong>"Scandal," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: Shonda Rhimes has another hit on her hands. Now in its second season, "Scandal" has benefited from word-of-mouth and has been rising in the ratings (even recently beating out its lead in "Grey's Anatomy"). A likable star -- Kerry Washington -- and continued buzz will keep "Scandal" on the schedule.

  • "Suburgatory"

    <strong>"Suburgatory," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: The series started Season 2 off strong in the ratings, but its audience has slowly eroded. Its not the worst-performing ABC sitcom, but its buzziness has died down as well.

  • "Zero Hour"

    <strong>"Zero Hour," ABC</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Too soon to tell <strong>Why</strong>: The Anthony Edwards vehicle debuted to 6.3 million viewers with a 1.3 rating in the key 18-49 demographic, making it <a href="">the least-watched premiere for a scripted series in ABC's history</a>. Obviously, things aren't looking good for the "ER" star's comeback, but maybe the ratings will improve.

  • "2 Broke Girls"

    <strong>"2 Broke Girls," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: It's not doing "The Big Bang Theory" numbers, but "2 Broke Girls" has maintained a viewership over its two seasons.

  • "The Amazing Race"

    <strong>"The Amazing Race," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: As an Emmy and fan favorite, "The Amazing Race" has been a strong player for CBS.

  • "The Big Bang Theory"

    <strong>"The Big Bang Theory," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: Now in its sixth season, "Big Bang" is reaching series-high ratings. Even up against reality powerhouse "American Idol," "The Big Bang Theory" has been delivering with crazy high numbers in the 18-49 demographic, beating out what was once Fox's juggernaut.

  • "Blue Bloods"

    <strong>"Blue Bloods," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: The Tom Selleck-fronted police drama is a strong ratings performer for CBS on Fridays. It will likely be back to help launch new Friday shows and produce enough episodes to enter syndication.

  • "Criminal Minds"

    <strong>"Criminal Minds," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: As one of CBS's strong procedural players, the series has been steady in the ratings and will likely be renewed to help anchor a night and launch a new drama.

  • "CSI"

    <strong>"CSI," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: Of the two "CSI" shows on the air, "CSI" is the stronger player in the TV landscape. The show is nowhere near its earlier ratings, but after such a successful run, CBS would be smart to bring the show -- and some old faces back -- for an abbreviated farewell season.

  • "CSI: NY"

    <strong>"CSI: NY," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: The spinoff series will be entering Season 10 in the 2013-2014 season. The ratings have faded over the years, but they're still pretty stable, especially for Fridays. It's a toss up, depending on how well CBS's development slate goes.

  • "Elementary"

    <strong>"Elementary," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: One of the very few freshman series hits during the 2012-2013 TV season, CBS is very keen on this modern-day take on Sherlock Holmes. The audience has been steady and the network even gave it the post-Super Bowl timeslot.

  • "Golden Boy"

    <strong>"Golden Boy," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Too soon to tell <strong>Why</strong>: CBS certainly has a handsome star at the front of this cop drama, but its late season entry and Friday timeslot could be a hint toward CBS's confidence in the show.

  • "The Good Wife"

    <strong>"The Good Wife," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: A former ratings champ, "The Good Wife" has slipped to series low ratings on Sunday nights. Blame football overrun, fan-detested storylines or too many guest stars, but "The Good Wife" is certainly in the danger zone. What it has going for it: star power and critical praise, plus its nearing a good syndication sweet spot.

  • "Hawaii Five-0"

    <strong>"Hawaii Five-0," CBS</strong <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: Its ratings -- bouncing around 8-10 million viewers an episode, are great ... if you're a show on NBC. By CBS standards, they're kind of meh, but this show has stars with very active fan followings. CBS could axe the drama to make room for new procedurals, or stick with it to get the show close to syndication gold.

  • "How I Met Your Mother"

    <strong>"How I Met Your Mother," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Renewed <strong>Why</strong>: CBS handed out a ninth and final season to this comedy with the entire cast returning. Expect to meet the mother, finally.

  • "Made In Jersey"

    <strong>"Made In Jersey," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Canceled <strong>Why</strong>: CBS pulled the plug on this legal drama very early on in the season because of low ratings.

  • "The Mentalist"

    <strong>"The Mentalist," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: "The Mentalist" has fallen to mediocre ratings -- by CBS standards -- and could be axed in favor of making room for a new drama.

  • "Mike & Molly"

    <strong>"Mike & Molly," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: The ratings are down a little bit from last year, but Melissa McCarthy's star continues to rise. CBS will likely bring the show back for another season.

  • "NCIS"

    <strong>"NCIS," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Renewed <strong>Why</strong>: CBS reached a deal with series star Mark Harmon in early 2013, keeping the No. 1 show in America around for a Season 11.

  • "NCIS: LA"

    <strong>"NCIS: LA," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: Viewers love their "NCIS," in any form. The ratings have been strong and the network is producing a backdoor spinoff pilot for this spinoff show. A full night of "NCIS" could be in CBS's future.

  • "Partners"

    <strong>"Partners," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Canceled <strong>Why</strong>: Low ratings and unfavorable reviews led to the <a href="">early demise</a> of this CBS comedy.

  • "Person of Interest"

    <strong>"Person of Interest," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: The series has developed a nice-sized audience, bigger than its first season.

  • "Rules of Engagement"

    <strong>"Rules of Engagement," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Honestly, who knows <strong>Why</strong>: This comedy has been on the bubble since it premiered ... yet is now in its seventh season. It's too soon to look at the numbers for this season, but the show has been a midseason success for CBS in the past. However, series co-star <a href="">Patrick Warburton is attached to star in a new pilot</a> ... for CBS.

  • "Survivor"

    <strong>"Survivor," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: A strong player for the last 13 years, "Survivor" will likely be back. But due to its <a href="">most recent premiere ratings</a>, we might not see it during the fall season, though a midseason or summer return -- with some new gimmick -- is definitely in the cards for the reality series.

  • "Two and a Half Men"

    <strong>"Two and a Half Men," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: CBS wants another season of this bawdy hit, it's just a matter of getting its stars to sign back on.

  • "Undercover Boss"

    <strong>"Undercover Boss," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Likely to be renewed <strong>Why</strong>: The show is enjoying life in syndication and its Season 4 numbers are better than most of its third season.

  • "Unforgettable"

    <strong>"Unforgettable," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: Uncanceled <strong>Why</strong>: CBS canceled the Poppy Montgomery drama last season ... and then revived it! Season 2 premieres Sunday, July 28.

  • "Vegas"

    <strong>"Vegas," CBS</strong> <strong>Status</strong>: On the bubble <strong>Why</strong>: Despite star power, the series hasn't been a breakout hit in the ratings. CBS previously canceled "Unforgettable" (then uncanceled it) last season when it was doing about the same as "Vegas."

  • Source:

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    It's personal and business in GOP fight over Hagel

    Photo - FILE - In this May 24, 2012 file photo, Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. Defense Secretary nominee, former Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel has lined up the necessary votes for the Senate to confirm him next week to be the nation's next defense secretary, after a senior Republican lawmaker said he will back President Barack Obama's choice. Barring any new developments, five-term Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama said he would vote for his fellow Republican. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)
    FILE - In this May 24, 2012 file photo, Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. Defense Secretary nominee, former Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel has lined up the necessary votes for the Senate to confirm him next week to be the nation's next defense secretary, after a senior Republican lawmaker said he will back President Barack Obama's choice. Barring any new developments, five-term Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama said he would vote for his fellow Republican. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- The fierce Republican opposition to President Barack Obama's nomination of Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary is personal and business.

    The nasty fight long has been seen as a proxy for the never-ending scuffles between the Democratic president and congressional Republicans, with barely any reservoir of good will between the White House and lawmakers, and the GOP still smarting over the November election results.

    Barring any surprises, the drawn-out battle over Hagel's nomination probably will end this coming week with his Senate confirmation. But his fellow Republicans have roughed him up.

    A vote is expected on Tuesday.

    In the weeks after Obama secured a second term, Republicans knocked out a presidential favorite, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, and dashed her secretary of state hopes over her widely debunked remarks about protests precipitating the assault on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya on Sept. 11.

    Emboldened Republicans then set their sights on Hagel, whose GOP classification won him no points with the party.

    The former two-term Nebraska senator was widely viewed as a political heretic. He disagreed with President George W. Bush over the Iraq war, stayed on the sidelines in the 2008 president race between Obama and the Republican nominee, Arizona Sen. John McCain, and endorsed fellow Vietnam veteran and former Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey in last year's Nebraska Senate race.

    Republicans remember it well.

    "There's a lot of ill will toward Sen. Hagel because when he was a Republican, he attacked President Bush mercilessly, at one point said he was the worst president since Herbert Hoover, said the surge (of U.S. troops in Iraq) was the worst blunder since the Vietnam War, which is nonsense, and was anti-his own party and people," McCain said in an interview on Fox News on the day Republicans stalled Hagel's nomination.

    Hagel didn't help his cause with his past opposition to unilateral penalties against Iran, his comment about the influence of the "Jewish lobby" in Washington, his support for reducing the nation's nuclear arsenal and remarks that created widespread doubts about his backing for Israel.

    His halting and uneven performance at his confirmation hearing also hurt his nomination.

    McCain, one of Hagel's friends during their years in the Senate, would have been a crucial vote to help sway other Republicans to back the nominee. Instead, he is one of more than a dozen opposing Hagel.

    "I think he will have been weakened, but having said that, the job that he has is too important," McCain told reporters Friday during a visit to Mexico. "I know that I and my other colleagues, if he's confirmed, and he very likely will be, will do everything we can to work with him."

    The nomination fight also is about the business of re-electing Republicans in 2014. Challenging the Democratic president over his nominations and policies is clearly a winner with the conservative base, a point not lost on GOP incumbents wary of challenges from the tea party.

    South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who's up for re-election next year, is getting high marks from Republicans for his relentless effort to get more information about the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, Libya, and his fierce opposition to Hagel.

    "Most people down here think he's dead-on in his arguments and hope that he continues to press the issues," said Warren Tompkins, a longtime GOP strategist.

    The Libya attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans has been a political flashpoint for Republicans who accused the Obama administration of an election-year cover-up of a terrorist assault.

    An independent review conducted by respected former diplomats failed to mollify the GOP, who demanded testimony from Hillary Rodham Clinton, secretary of state when the attack occurred, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

    Graham has been at the forefront in seeking emails, communiques and videos while threatening to delay both Hagel's nomination and that of CIA Director-nominee John Brennan, who also has become entangled in the Libya dispute.

    During a stop in Easley, S.C., this past week, Graham insisted that his effort has nothing to do with politics.

    "It's not because he's a Democrat and I'm a Republican," he said, referring to Obama. "It's because it really was system failure and we need learn from it. We have not gotten the information, and we're going to get it if I have to die trying."

    The White House has agreed to give the Senate Intelligence Committee additional documents related to the Benghazi attack, according to a congressional aide said. The material includes emails between national security officials showing the debate within the administration over how to describe the attack.

    Graham also has been intense in opposing Hagel, portraying the former GOP senator as an out-of-the-mainstream radical. Some of the toughest questions of Hagel during his confirmation hearing last month came from Graham, who seized on Hagel's "Jewish lobby" remark and asked him to "name one dumb thing we've been goaded into doing due to pressure by the Israeli, Jewish lobby."

    Hagel was often tentative in his response in the face of GOP grilling.

    "He's leading, he's governing," Glenn McCall, the chairman of the York (S.C.) County Republican Party and a GOP committeeman, said of Graham. "More and more I talk to Republicans -- and even those that are conservative Democrats -- I think folks are looking for leadership."

    Both Tompkins and McCall cited a Winthrop University poll released last week that showed Graham with strong support from registered Republicans in the state, with 72 percent holding a favorable opinion of the senator.

    It's a turnaround from several years ago when Graham's work with Democrats on climate change and immigration as well as his votes for Obama's nominees for the Supreme Court angered South Carolina Republicans, with some calling him out of touch and Charleston and Lexington counties voting to censure him over his bipartisan work.

    "It might be the right thing to do ... but when you partner with Hillary Clinton or you partner with John Kerry, you're going to be looked upon with a lot of suspicion in South Carolina," Tompkins said. "You have to be careful who you dance with."

    Kerry, a former Democratic senator from Massachusetts, has just replaced Clinton as secretary of state.

    Graham still may face a primary challenge, but he and other GOP incumbents are determined to head off any conservative uprising as Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch successfully did in his 2012 race. They want to avoid the fate of the only GOP primary loser last year -- Indiana's longtime Sen. Dick Lugar.

    Texas Sen. John Cornyn, the No. 2 Republican and a candidate next year, took the lead on the Senate floor to block a vote on Hagel on Feb. 14 and was one of 15 Republicans last week to call for Obama to withdraw the nomination.

    Cornyn got a primary challenger last week.


    Follow Donna Cassata on Twitter:


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    Saturday, February 23, 2013

    Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest''s customer support firm Zendesk hacked

    Twitter.jpgTwitter, Tumblr and Pinterest have been caught up in a hacking attack on a firm, which technology companies use to outsource their customer services.

    Customer support tool Zendesk noted that a hacker downloaded email addresses of users who contacted those three customers for support, along with the email subject lines.

    The company warned customers of the security breach in an email entitled: ?We?ve been hacked.?

    According to the website, some customers also may have had their phone numbers revealed, but no passwords were revealed.

    Zendesk, which has over 25,000 clients, uses software tools to allow companies to outsource a number of their customer service functions.

    In an email to affected users, Twitter wrote: ?Zendesk?s breach did not result in the exposure of information such as Twitter account passwords. It may, however, have included contact information you provided when submitting a support request such as an email, phone number, or Twitter username.?

    According to the paper, Pinterest and Tumblr sent similar emails warning their potentially affected users.


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    Friday, February 22, 2013

    NJSLA Jobs: Online Business Content Consultant, Verizon - NJ

    This position is responsible for the timely completion of building new
    and maintaining existing Internet site content for our Corporate Liable
    customers within Verizon Enterprise Solutions (VES). The position will
    have a team of data entry contractors who manage these sites, VEC and My
    Business, based on requests from HQ and Area-based Sales Operations
    teams, device launches, product launches, pricing updates, contract
    renewals, and all other content related requests.
    Primary Responsibilities
    1. Content Management and Stakeholder Communication
    Drive, own, and evolve our B2B Online Content System used for
    entering real-time plan, feature, device content into My Business and
    VEC to support sales and service for B2B customers and VZW/VZB
    Responsible for strategy & execution of all touch-points within
    content management system to improve the B2B online self-serve sites,
    increase utilization and drive self-serve usage by corporate customers
    to meet and exceed the VES growth targets.
    Develop and execute plans to improve self-serve usage by
    implementing new processes that improve customer experience, ensure
    quality and accuracy of online content that will drive online orders and
    eliminate fall out to call centers.
    Responsible for the creation of B2B sku s and management of those
    sku s relevant to inventory levels and shipping availability for all
    Areas and B2B customers.
    Manage and delegate workflow, processes and communication for all
    B2B online content requests (both standard and customized). These
    requests are for new builds for price plans, features, devices and
    ongoing modification of existing profiles.
    Manage Area My Business requests for authentication and
    configuration of corporate liable customer sites.
    Evaluate and submit work requests for content catalog maintenance
    related to new plan builds, feature launches, device launches and other
    product support.
    Collaborate with Marketing partners, My Busines & VEC IT, Area
    Stakeholders, sales and service team on content support by making sound
    decisions that will improve customer experience and increase content
    Serve as escalation point to make decisions for timely delivery of
    new My Business/VEC sites and modifications to existing sites.
    Coordinate launch dates of new products and services with the
    ongoing maintenance of corporate-liable sites.
    Serve as B2B lead for content development representing VES on all
    national product / service related projects as part of their GTM
    2. Business Process Improvements and Growth
    Identify and deliver on operational opportunities to improve
    processes, communication, applications and customer experience. Work
    with applicable teams to solve and enhance overall customer experience.
    Develop, compile, and analyze monthly reporting for senior staff;
    Evaluate metrics to develop trends and identify gaps to establish plans
    to improve output and process enhancements
    Lead cross functional teams to generate content requirements and
    implement solutions successful launch of new devices, features, plans
    and other customizations for the online portal that will lead to online
    portal growth.
    Develop launch strategies for new content including aligning to
    marketing objectives, identifying training needs, improving customer
    experience, and driving waste out of the process.
    Continually drive improvements to the customer experience inclusive
    of device requirements and customer-facing collateral.
    Special projects as assigned by Associate Director and Management.
    3. Production Support
    Analyze reporting data to identify improvements to increase
    utilization of Business Internet platforms.
    Serve as HQ Lead for B2B online content on iconic/strategic project
    and participating on command centers.
    Support VEC and MB Enterprise Releases to ensure all builds and
    content meet expected outcome.
    Support UAT as needed to meet the needs of the enterprise customer;
    develop UAT content.


    Experience: 5+ years marketing and/or operations experience or equivalent 5+ years wireless and/or technology experience 2+ years Project Management experience, including experience directing cross-functional and/or cross-area projects 1+ years UAT or project testing experience; test case knowledge and creation a plus Demonstrated leadership skills and ability to handle multiple priorities under tight deadlines Working knowledge of VZ B2B systems - DPI, SED, EWI, CPI, My Business, MBA, and VEC Solid proficiency in PC based applications such as MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint Proven success in strategy, planning and execution preferred Other: Ability to work under pressure on multiple assignments with strong attention to detail Self-motivated with the ability to work independently and make strong, sound decisions with minimal supervision Strong communication skills, both written and verbal Solid analytical skills with the ability to present ideas and complex information effectively to individuals or groups with short timeframe for preparation Strong critical thinking skills and the ability to manage feedback from multiple stakeholders. Strong interpersonal and negotiating skills; ability to effectively negotiate solutions and deadlines with others Ability to effectively consult and communicate with internal teams at all levels of the organization Effective time management, organizational skills with the ability to manage and prioritize multiple projects in a fast-paced environment Results-oriented, strong sense of urgency, proactive and flexible Must be able to meet tight deadlines and have a strong customer focus Demonstrated ability to be flexible and work in a high-energy, dynamic, and sometimes unstructured environment Ability to work on a virtual team Travel required up to 25% of the time. Flexible schedule a must due to special events, which may include evenings and week-ends Education: Minimum Bachelors degree, accelerated degree a plus

    Equal Employment Opportunity

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    Andy ReidAP

    Perhaps the most shocking sight at this year?s NFL Scouting Combine happened Thursday, and it had nothing to do with anyone?s 40-yard dash time.

    Chiefs coach Andy Reid took the podium. Without a team-issued hat on his head. And he talked. And he cracked jokes. And he looked, for a moment, like a man refreshed.

    Reid never did these interviews at the Combine when he ran the Eagles, so the simple glimpse of him stood as news. But he spoke at length about a number of Chiefs-related topics, tried to quell any Nick Foles speculation, and even drew a few laughs along the way.

    ?He?s not available,? Reid said when asked if he?d try to acquire the Eagles quarterback. ?You just had Howie (Roseman, the Eagles general manager) up here, so I think you know that. . . . Listen, Nick is the property of the Philadelphia Eagles, and I think they like him.?

    Reid might like him too, but if he?s unable to put his hands to his former Eagles pick, he?s going to have to find one elsewhere. Like every coach, he talked about ?the process,? and ?evaluating? and didn?t offer much in the way of specifics.

    While admitting this year?s class of draftable quarterbacks might not measure up to last year?s (?but I would tell you that there are some good players in there?), Reid also acknowledged the Chiefs might be open to trading the top pick in the draft.

    ?We?re just not going to give it away, so we?d have to see what people throw our way,? he said. ?It?s a pretty valuable pick I?d say.?

    But the best, and most surprising line might have been when he was asked about his introduction to the AFC West.

    ?I?ll tell you it?s a pretty good division,? he said, setting up his punch line. ?The Broncos, I?m sure they?re probably looking for a quarterback, too. . . . He?s (Peyton Manning) a pretty good player. I think we know that.?

    While it?s not exactly Henny Youngman, it was a peek of personality that Reid hadn?t shown at all in Indianapolis, and not terribly often during 14 years in Philadelphia.

    Things won?t stay this relaxed for Reid in Kansas City forever (the reality that he inherited a 2-14 team and doesn?t have a quarterback will come crashing down soon enough), but for a day he looked like a man enjoying a new challenge.

    And after a long stay in Philadelphia that included plenty of ups and downs of the personal and professional variety, it looked like one he needed.


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