Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How Pay-Per-Click Advertising Can Boost Your Business ...

Google AdwordsPay-per-click gets a pretty bad reputation around the Internet, and we aren?t quite sure why.? For the most part, pay-per-click, or PPC as we like to call it, is one of the most widely used (and most profitable) ways of digital advertising that is available today.

The purpose of PPC is really the same as any other advertising mechanism, and that is to drive quality traffic to your website while converting clicks into clients and generating revenue.? Using keywords that entered into a search engine, relevant advertisements are shown to the user in conjunction with their search results.? The idea is that the user will find the content interesting and will click on it.? Each click results in revenue for the Webmaster. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

The Benefits Of PPC

If you?ve ever played with Google?s AdWords, you will know that they provide a $50 credit to new accounts so that you have a chance to see what it is you?ll be getting into before you commit.

The upfront investment cost for PPC is very, very slight which is why small blogs and SMB opt to use PPC.? It requires little to no expenditure on their part and, assuming they have a decent amount of traffic, it can generate a constant revenue stream.

The best part is that regardless of the size of your business, PPC can put you on par with a national operation.? Your ad is just as likely to be clicked on as a huge retailer in the same line of work and you get to determine how much or how little you are willing to invest in PPC.

It is a good rule of thumb to avoid any organization that will promise you instant results and revenue growth through digital advertising.? Even things like SEO and link building require a great deal of time and patience.? PPC however, is the exception to the rule as it draws income as soon as the ad is placed.

Fantastic Tracking Tools

Companies are constantly looking for a mechanism that will allow them to see how well their investment is working for them and PPC has the advantage of providing you with exactly that.

You will be able to tell which of your ads are drawing the most revenue and which need to be pulled and modified.? Having access to this real-time information means that you can also make changes in real-time and not have to worry about weeks going by before you realize that there?s a problem.

PPC Helps You Get Local

Whether you?re an online retailer or provide a service or product in your community, you need to reach your local audience before you hit the big national market.? Using ads that are specifically geared and optimized towards your particular geographical location can put you light years ahead of your competition.

Professional agencies are particularly good at helping you devise an advertising platform that can help you win over the local scene.? They take into consideration the local traffic in your area and ensure that your scope isn?t so narrow as to leave out an important part of your target demographic.

Even if you?re employing other digital marketing methods, you can make use of PPC as an interim measure, to help boost income, even if it is only be a smaller margin until the big guns take hold.

Whether you are just opening a blog for personal reasons or you?re a small startup or large corporation, you should be taking advantage of all that PPC has to offer you.? You?ll be surprised at just how much revenue can be generated while you sit back and soak in the rest of your day.

**Special Offer**

Adwords QualifiedIf you would like to get started with PPC Advertising for your Business or Blog, Give us a call at 1-877-747-3263 or fill out the form on the right to get started today! Branding Personality is in direct partnership with Google?s ?AdWords division and can offer $100 of free Adwords to every new account! Let us help you get started with PPC Advertising for your Business!

About the Author:

Tom Johnson is a writer for Zeno International is a digital marketing agency in the UK offering web design, search marketing and social media services.


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