Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Reality Check with Lea Black

Hello everyone, can you believe it’s already the middle of October? Where does the time go? I love the fall season and I thought I would share some of my favorite things this week. I am so lucky to have some of my friend’s suggestions.

Courtesy of Lea Black

Courtesy of Lea Black

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Sarah Rayer, my social media pro, shared with me this great blog, Ms. Mishigas, about living, loving and surviving cancer. I love the logo; the best part is it is a temporary tattoo! What a great symbol. Log on to get yours here.

Courtesy of Lea Black

Courtesy of Lea Black

My spiritual bible Do You QuantumThink? by Dianne Collins is my go to daily source for inspiration and motivation. I have been using this book as a “guide to” for my everyday life and career for many years. One of my favorite affirmations from the book is “What enhances life force? Purity, clarity, focus and awareness.” Available through order here.

Courtesy of Lea Black

Courtesy of Lea Black

I love this look, the color and style of this trench coat over the classic black and white is a perfect ensemble for a work day and night transition! This is something I would try interpret to fit my shape and form of my body. All that is missing in the model’s hand is my black Starstruck clutch, a perfect accessory for after five, night out on the town.

Courtesy of Lea Black

Courtesy of Lea Black

And of course beauty! You know how much I protect my skin from the sun, but that doesn’t mean, I don’t like a nice little glow, my friend Edward Cruz, (makeup artist to clients like Anna Wintour) swears by SONIA KASHUK Undetectable Creme Bronzer. It gives your skin a second chance, when it comes to looking 10 years younger!!! How fun is that!

What’s your favorite beauty product these days? Are you all caught up on Real Housewives of Miami? Tell us in the comments below or tweet us @OKMagazine.

Source: http://okmagazine.com/meet-the-stars/reality-check-with-lea-black-3/
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