Friday, December 16, 2011

Brink: Another day on the job


Name: Leon "Phantom's Shadow" Grace.
Nickname: The Phantom's Shadow
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Job/Class: Ark Security Personnel/Captain
Specialty/Specialty/Class: Sniper/Infiltrator/Engineer
Height: 6 ft, 2 in.
Weight: 208 lbs (muscle)
Eye Color: brown
Hair: Originally Dark blonde, dyed gray
Appearance: below
Personality/Alignment: Outside of ARKSEC, Leon is a fun loving individual mixed with a serious demeanor when it comes to something he cares about
Armor: Light kevlar vest underneath his shirt.
Weapons: His main weapon is his trusty FN-FAL rifle which was passed down from his father, which is ironic because the FAL is often called the "RIght arm of the free world" when Leon is fighting against those who wish to be "Free"

His secondary weapon is his mother's CheyTac Intervention 50. Caliber sniper rifle. A powerful weapon by all means. He always has his US Military grade 50. Cal suppressor with him so nobody will know he's there. As a professional sniper, he couldn't help but name the Sniper Rifle "Jessie" after his first love and current girlfriend. A firebrand girl that wasn't afraid to shove a "Deagle" revolver between your eyes and pull the trigger if you tried to fuck with her.

His Emergency weapon is the Ark Security issue KA-BAR. The weapon he's had since he first joined ARKSEC. He's proud to have it, and prouder to kill with it.

Paraphernalia: Personal first aid kit with revive syringes (special syringes that stimulate healing and strength for a short few seconds to heal wounds), bandages, healing salves and other Necessities. He then has his duo suppressors, one for his FN-FAL and one for his CheyTac Intervention. He then has a leather wallet with his ARKSEC officer's access card, his ARK ID card, ARK issue credit card (with 500 "ARK" dollars on it, which amount to 750 american dollars) then a photo of him and his girlfriend, Jessica in front of Founder's Tower when he gained the promotion to Officer.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: None/none/An master sniper and infiltrator. He is known for being able to get in and out of a fortress without a whisper, yet at the same time, can put a hole in a soda can at 100 yards with his assault rifle and make that soda can disappear at half a mile with his CheyTac. He is also an expert when it comes to machines with his..."Unique" ways of setting up traps with mines and turrets.
Weaknesses: He is absolutely devoted to Jessica's health and safety because of the resistance's attacks and will stop at nothing to rush into a resistance trap if she gets in trouble
Strength: Leon is reasonably strong for an ARKSEC officer. He can easily lift his weight and more and is more then capable then to break a jaw in one punch.

Agility: As a master infiltrator, he has reached physical perfection when it comes to agility, especially with the demands to move from place to place quickly so he doesn't get caught.

Endurance: As with all ARKSEC soldiers, you need to be as durable as the home your defending, and he definitely is.

Reason: He isn't a negotiator. He's more likely to put a bullet in your head then try and talk you out of pulling the trigger.

Intuition: He has the instinct of a soldier and acts on it without hesitation. He is reasonably smart though when it comes to the ARK, as an Officer, he is required to know the ins and outs of each pelgo.

Fighting Skill and Style: Leon is a brutal fighter, never backing down from a fight. He often mixes blade and punch when it comes to hand to hand combat and always has his KA-BAR facing downwards in his left hand when he fights.
Sarah Grace, 47 - Retired ARKSEC sniper. Currently an adviser for Mokoena
Charlie Grace, 49 - Deceased ARKSEC Soldier. Killed in the Pelgo 12 incident
Josephine Grace, 25 - Active doctor. Currently keeping people alive in container city. Highly respected among both resistance and security
Violet Grace, 19 - Active Resistance Soldier. Currently working alongside Brother Chen as a bodyguard.
Jessica Morgan, 26 - Active waitress for Killian's "Darkwater Cafe' ", Currently Leon Grace's loving and overbearing girlfriend and hopeful future wife.

Biography/History: Leon was born and raised on the ARK. His grandfather was a wealthy governor of Washington state and was personally invited by Clinton Mokoena to live on the ARK in total safety just as the ark was beginning to be built. Predicting that the waters of the earth would soon rise to swallow earth whole, he gladly accepted the invite and joined the ark and was given a wonderful high-class home on the luxurious Pelgo 2. The Pelgo of the founders, right next to Founders Tower on Pelgo 1.

He brought up Leon's father, Charlie Grace, to be an Ark Security soldier and strong supporter. Anybody who criticized ARKSEC usually received their broken teeth in a nice little package. Charlie never did tell much about his life as an ARKSEC commander, but at 19 years old, he met Leon's mother, Sarah Grace, whom just joined up with ARKSEC around the same time as Charlie did. Charlie was smitten at first sight and pursued her at every chance he could get. It took some work, but he grew on Sarah, and within a year, they had their first child. Leon. Who was but one of the many children that Sarah would conceive. 3 years later, Josephine Grace was born. Happy for a time, they raised the two to be supporters of ARKSEC and to ignore the rumors of a "Joseph Chen" and anger against ARKSEC and the founders.

Unlike Josephine, Leon got right into ARKSEC when he was but 8 years old. His father got him to join up with a Junior SEC club that was supposed to be fun. Turns out that this was all he needed to prove his ability to be a soldier.

A mere year later, Violet Grace was born, and unfortunately for Charlie, Violet was a born rebel. Always disobeying commands and the like. She resented ARKSEC and as rumors of Chen's uprising began to sprout truth, she ran away from home at an early age to speak with chen herself. Although she returned that night, she learned a great deal of things from Chen and it was implanted in her young, ten year old mind that she would join Chen when his plans went into motion.

Back onto topic, at 11 years old, Leon met his childhood sweetheart, Jessica Morgan, who was the first to hit on him, both literally and flirtatiously, shortly after he got out of the Junior SEC club. Over the years, they really grew on each other and got together shortly after highschool at 18. She even stuck around with him when he left for a year and a half to begin his Ark Security training. Although many attempted to court her, a threat to either beat the crap out of them or report them to her boyfriend in ARKSEC kept them at bay.

It was during this year and a half that he gained his nickname. "The Phantom's Shadow" for his phenomenal skills when it came to sniping and infiltration. He was trained by his mother and father themselves and he majored in Engineering class. The real terror behind the nickname came when rumors of an attack on Pelgo 12 surfaced and Leon was the one to volunteer to spy on Chen to see if they were true. Unfortunately for ARKSEC, it was true. But it was too late for the news to be of any great affect as a huge amount of soldiers that Chen has called "The Resistance" attacked the military training base on Pelgo 12. There was no winner that day as nearly half of the resistance troops were wiped out, all of the ARKSEC personnel and civilians on board of Pelgo 12 were also killed and Pelgo 12 itself was sunken. Although rebuilt using Arkoral, the war was on and both sides were bitter at what happened.

Leon did not get much time home unfortunately, the most he could do was plead Jessica to have her and her family move out of Container City and live on Pelgo 2 with him and his family. Thankfully for him and her family, they moved to Pelgo 2 and took up the empty rooms in Leon's house.

Shortly thereafter, Leon was promoted to captain and his father's rifle and his mother's sniper rifle were given to him as presents. At personal request, he now patrols the streets of Pelgo 2 and often spends the day with Jessica at the cafe', always having his radio on, just in case. Every now and then, he is called to do a stealth or sniping mission for a few days and has to avoid Jessica's wrath for a few weeks while he tries to convince Mokowena to send him in to try and get his sister out

As for his sisters, they did not fare as well as he did. Josephine decided to not take a side at all besides that of the Civilians. All throughout school, she trained to be a Doctor so she could help people instead of hurt them. Right out of colleges pearly arkoral gates, she opened up a clinic on Container City and started to service both the soldiers of each side of the war and the victims of friendly fire. She's the main reason both the sides actually have soldiers left to fight.

Violet however ran away about a month before Leon was promoted to Captain and hasn't been seen. From what Josephine has said, Violet joined up with the resistance and is fighting against ARKSEC rather proudly.

Face 1 HD
Face 2 HD
Face 3 HD
body upper HD
Face 4
Hair back HD
Hair front
Hair side HD

Chest HD
back HD
pants back HD
pants front HD
chest + Head HD 1
Chest undershirt back HD
Chest undershirt front HD

Arm tattoo with shirt on HD
Body tattoo front 1 HD
Arm tattoo without shirt HD
back tattoo
Body tattoo front 2
Eye Tattoo HD

FN-FAL (Primary weapon)
CheyTac Intervention 1 (Secondary weapon)
CheyTac Intervention 2 (Secondary weapon
ARK issue Serrated KA-BAR
CheyTac Suppressor
FN FAL suppressor

Leon's Wallet
Josephine Grace
Violet Grace
Jessica Morgan


Chapter 0: Another day on the job.


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