Saturday, March 3, 2012

Domain Name ? 3 Easy Ways to Choose Your Domain Name

It?s not always easy to try to pick out a great domain name for your online business. After all, there are lots of different factors to consider and you don?t want to make a mistake that could end up hurting the success of your new venture.

When considering which domain name you want for your business, be sure to take a look at these 3 different areas of consideration that will help you choose your domain name with ease.

1. Keywords. One of the most important considerations for the domain name of your online business has to be the keywords or key phrases that are used. You should always try to get at least one primary keyword into your domain name, which will in turn enable you to rank higher in the search engines and align yourself with your targeted niche and market.

2. Cost. The cost of domain names varies a great deal. Generally, a domain name straight from a registration company will only cost about $ 10 per year.

However, many domains have been purchased in the past and are available to be resold as premium domain names. These will cost much more money but may be the best domain names available for your company. You have to weigh the additional costs with the benefits you feel that your online business would derive from the name.

3. Suffix. Don?t forget to pay attention to the suffix or abbreviation at the end of your domain name. The most common of course is .com, and that also brings with it the most credibility to both the search engines and to people who see your website address listed someplace. However, in many cases the prime domain names for .com addresses have been taken, and you may want to consider .net or other choices. Again, you must weigh the pros and cons of this choice before making a final decision.

Do you want to learn more about domain names as well as creating and developing an online business, especially if you?re a newbie? We have just completed our brand new guide on the basics of website design.


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