Friday, May 25, 2012

Using The Internet to Advertise Your Business: Search Engine ...

What are search engines? I like to think of them as the librarians of the Internet. If your business is well positioned with search engines it means you are more likely to be found when people are surfing the Internet. Using search engines is essential to getting traffic flow to your website.

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Companies that host websites can give you statistics about where your traffic flow comes from and how many people come from each particular search engine. These facts and figures show the importance of the search engines in generating traffic flow. There was a time when submitting your domain name and website to the search engines was free. This is becoming a rarity and the norm will soon be that you will have to pay to submit. Just about every search engine will charge you to list your site. This will have a couple of spin-off effects.

Obviously it will be an added expense for businesses wanting an Internet presence but it will generally reduce the overall number of websites that come up whenever you do a search, meaning less competition. The smaller websites will opt out of paying for search engine initialisation, leaving a less cluttered database for consumers. Whether this is better or not depends what you are using the Internet for. If you use it for research you will probably be worse off; if you use it to sell products you will probably be better off.

There are different levels of advertising rates on search engines. The simple way to understand this is that the more you pay, the more people will be directed to your site. Also, the more you pay the higher up the search list your business name will appear when people plug in a keyword.

The Internet is a numbers game. If you sell one product for every thousand visitors to your site the aim is to increase the number of visitors so you sell more products. This may appear oversimplified but the Internet has become overcomplicated and it doesn?t need to be.

Source: Andrew Griffiths, ?101 Ways to Advertise Your Business_Building a Successful Business with Smart Advertising,? Allen & Unwin, Australia, 2004

Republished by Why Online Marketing

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