Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Managing Your Brand Online: Building Brand ... - Blue Rise Media

The Internet plays a huge part in today?s commercial world. Customers expect all companies, regardless of size, to have an online presence and to brand themselves using Internet Marketing. Online branding, therefore, is a must for any business, especially as it?s almost guaranteed that its competitors are already online and increasing their market share as a result. There are many online branding strategies and a business must pick the right ones for its brand.

Online Branding - Blue Rise Media

Website Analytics

Before a business can start developing its brand online, it has to identify who its online audience is so it can create branding strategies to appeal to this demographic. If the company already has a website, it can use website analytics to find out who is visiting the site and what they do when they get there. An organization can hire a search engine optimization (SEO) expert to monitor its website stats and feedback information on what?s driving traffic to a site. This helps the organization to better expose its brand to current site visitors and attract new ones. Online branding is much more effective when it?s targeted.

Search Engine Optimization - SEO - Blue Rise Media


Speaking of SEO, it is in itself an important online branding tool. It makes more Internet users aware of a company?s online presence, thus getting valuable exposure for its brand. Websites use specifically chosen SEO keywords to gain a high placement in Internet search engine results for those words and phrases. The higher the placement, the more likely the site is to get noticed and visited by people searching for those keywords. Therefore, to a certain extent, SEO can help a business control who sees its online branding and how visible the brand is to particular segments of the market.

Social Media - Blue Rise Media

Social Media

At a time when online networking and crowdsourcing is so popular, it?s no longer enough for a business just to have a website. A lot of online branding is now done on Social Media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest. Companies use these platforms to share their news with the public in real time, launch new products and services, ask for feedback on them and communicate with their customers. By being consistent across all its Social Media profiles and profile updates, a business can establish more brand recognition using Social Media Strategies. Using Social Networks is actually a great way for companies to practice being consistent in their online branding.


Writing blogs is pastime for some but an online marketing strategy for others, especially businesses. Like Social Media, blogging is a way for organizations to communicate with their customers, both speaking and listening to them. Companies will blog about new products and services, offer advice and information useful to the readers, and anything else related to the business and marketplace. Readers like company blogs, not only because they?re getting free content, but because they can comment on blog posts. Although blogging takes up time, it?s a highly effective online branding strategy because readers appreciate the effort and creativity involved.

Online branding can help a business build its profits, gain exposure and visibility, and increase brand loyalty and brand recognition amongst its target market. By integrating several online branding strategies, a company increases its chances of having its brand recognized by Internet users worldwide.

Source: http://www.bluerisemedia.com/managing-your-brand-online-building-brand-exposure-recognition/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=managing-your-brand-online-building-brand-exposure-recognition

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