Monday, October 15, 2012

A Rematch With Challenges

In little over a week, Barack Obama has gone from being a likely two-term president (according to the polls) to an imperiled incumbent who faces a must-win situation on Tuesday when he confronts Mitt Romney in their second debate.

Obama?s biggest problem, however, may not be Romney but the debate?s format, which couldn?t be more difficult for an incumbent mounting a comeback.

The second debate will be town-hall-style, where a selected audience of undecided voters asks the questions, many of which will likely focus on the president?s tenure.

Hence, Obama must figure out how to defend his record before the crowd, focusing most of his attention on his individual questioners, while at the same time attacking Romney?and all without overdoing the negativism that typically doesn?t play well in such formats.

Pulling that off may be the only way the president can prove to the millions of Americans watching on TV that he can do what he failed to accomplish last week in Denver: effectively counter the insurgent across from him on the stage. Read more

?Michael Hirsh


Moderator Role Under Scrutiny Before the Debate
[Time, 10/14/12] Both presidential campaigns have expressed concern to the Commission on Presidential Debates about how the moderator, CNN anchor Candy Crowley, has publicly described her role at Tuesday?s town hall. Crowley has suggested she will assume a broad set of responsibilities, but the campaigns want the debate to be driven by the audience.

Inside the Campaign: How Romney Preps
[Politico, 10/15/12] Politico?s Mike Allen takes a look at Romney?s new debate challenge: how to repeat the success of Denver. Practice sessions for the second round have been focused almost entirely on the stagecraft and body language of engaging with the questioners.

Poll: Race Still Tied as GOP Enthusiasm Jumps
[National Journal, 10/15/12] A new ABC News/Washington Post poll released early Monday shows a jump in GOP enthusiasm following the first debate, but the poll also showed positive news for Obama: The percentage of voters who say the nation is on the wrong track fell to its lowest point in nearly three years.

Town-Hall Format Could Dull Barbs in Second Debate
[Wall Street Journal, 10/14/12] The second presidential debate will feature a town-hall-style setting with voters posing questions, and they may be expecting real answers rather than hand-to-hand combat. Obama must be wary of using the questions as a vehicle to attack Romney, while Romney must balance taking a forceful tone with Obama while connecting with voters.

4 Questions the Candidates Should Be Asked About Libya
[National Journal, 10/15/12] With Republicans clamoring for answers after the death of Amb. Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Libya, NJ?s Sophie Quinton brings you four questions the candidates could face during Tuesday?s second presidential debate. ?

Report: George Romney Did Not Walk Out on ?64 Convention NEW!
[BuzzFeed, 10/15/12] For years, the story of George Romney walking out of the 1964 convention over the issue of civil rights has been an established fact, and one that Mitt himself has cited. One problem: It?s not true.

Actresses Film MoveOn Ad on Women's Issues NEW!
[Huffington Post, 10/15/12] The left-leaning MoveOn group released a new ad on Monday starring actresses Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson and Kerry Washington, hitting Romney and Republicans on women?s issues.

This Time, Voters Pose the Debate Questions
[Associated Press, 10/15/12] The town hall-style debate can be a tricky one for the candidates. Obama , especially, needs a forceful showing to recover from his leaden performance in the first debate. But he must tread carefully: Viewers want the candidates to show respect for the voters in the room. ?

Do Debate Fact-Checkers Matter? Not So Much
[National Journal, 10/15/12] With all the fact-checkers out there, why do the facts remain as murky as ever? The latest media fad educates voters, but the deluge of information may do little to help partisans or less motivated voters stay informed ? especially as the candidates aren?t always outright lying.

Obama Holds Lead Among Hispanics Nationwide; Margin Smaller in Florida
[Miami Herald, 10/14/12] Romney is closing the gap on Obama among likely Hispanic Florida voters, a majority of whom say they are not better off than four years ago, according to a new poll. But nationally, Romney still lags when it comes to likely Hispanic voters. ?

Ohio, Nevada, Florida Have Longest-Running Streaks as Swing States
[Cleveland Plain Dealer, 10/15/12] Ohio has the longest streak in the country in voting for the winning presidential candidate, followed by Nevada and Florida. The Plain Dealer?s Rich Exner gives a rundown for each state?s record in the last six presidential elections.

Romney Gaining Ground as Scrutiny Rises on Taxes, Foreign Policy
[Bloomberg, 10/15/12] Romney?s new assertiveness on national security and taxes may have hit a couple of hurdles in a statement from the father of Christopher Stevens, who said his son?s death shouldn?t be an issue in the campaign, and renewed skepticism over Romney?s tax proposals. These new developments may influence how aggressive and specific Romney is in the next debate.

Groups Work to Turn Out Youth Vote for GOP
[Roll Call, 10/15/12] Obama decisively swept the youth vote in 2008, but today?s polls suggest that young voters are less engaged, less certain they have registered, and less enthused about Obama than they were four years ago. The GOP is seizing the opportunity, with campus rallies, web and TV ads, and social networking to woo young voters.

Spoiler Alert! GOP Fighting Libertarian?s Spot on the Ballot
[New York Times, 10/14/12] Now campaigning as the Libertarian Party?s presidential nominee, Gary Johnson is still only a blip in the polls. But around the country, GOP operatives have been making moves to keep Johnson from becoming their version of Ralph Nader, the Green Party candidate who cut into Al Gore?s support in 2000.?

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