Wednesday, October 24, 2012

RAN Magazine ? Spice Up Your Palate

BY Trevor David October 24, 2012 ? 0 COMMENTS

Local Culinary Creations with Artisan Whisky

Text & Photos: Clint Anesbury

Pairing food with various alcoholic beverages has been a tradition of many cultures for many generations. Each individual culture have used their own unique domestic grog and successfully paired it with a local delicacy, or in more common instances a standard, although humble, local dish: the corner stone of nutrition for the community. There are many nations throughout the globe which are notorious for matching locally produced liquor to an array of food dishes, and possible one of the most widely known places to do so is right here in our own back yard.

Japan, with its customary regime of tantalizing taste buds with well balanced combinations, has mastered the skill of matching up spirits with food. Like many other cultures, pairing dates back to a period where the Shogun reigned and Ronin were running around the country side with swords drawn. In current times, the relationship between food and alcohol has long lived on despite the decline in drink trends, such as Sake and Sochu consumers.

Although the ongoing tradition of pairing food with drink is still present, or quite arguably the other way around, things have stepped up a notch throughout the globe. A lot of people have become that little more sophisticated when it comes to indulging their palates. Consumers of both food and drink are becoming educated and crossing boundaries that were once never considered. Instead of the classic pairing of say wine with a pasta dish or an adequate beer with a steak, dinners have become more daring and began to break away and opt for new alternatives. Perhaps a prime example is that of the current interest of pairing single malt whisky to various menus, and in particular Japanese whiskies. Locally distilled whisky from all the competitive brands can be amazingly complex; therefore it lends itself to pairing with an array of foods.

Breaking away from tradition, and as bizarre as it may sound, anything from Sushi to Nagoya?s famed chicken wings and Miso Katsu, seafood to Japanese pickles, the vast range of food items that can be paired with Japanese whisky are waiting for the challenge.

Sure, there are a bunch of well received whisky brands throughout the world, with many available in all the major liquor stores throughout Japan, but locally distilled whisky from the hands and hearts of the blenders of the Japanese whisky industry often create their distillate with the thought of making the spirit suitable for food pairing.

If you desire the taste and aroma of something completely different, arguably unique and often untouched, then pairing Japanese whisky to your next meal is sure to satisfy your craving. The exceptional and exquisite flavours in Japanese whisky will ensure an overwhelming experience. Next time you are out and about, and finances are not an issue treat yourself to a local, reasonable dish, paired with a Japanese whisky and savor the complexity of the spirit matched with food, you may bring to light a whole sensation and liking you never thought was possible.


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