Sunday, October 14, 2012

Smarty Mom: Shanda Reid | Charlotte Smarty Pants

I?m super excited to introduce Smarty Mom, Shanda Reid. She?s a Davidson-area Smarty for you fellow LKN followers. She is going to share with us her experience as a new Smarty Mom and how she was quite surprised when he decided to join the family a bit earlier than expected. Let?s get to know Shanda!

Smarty Mom Stats:

? Married to: Boston Reid
? Child(ren)/ age: Hudson 7 months
? Originally from: Smyrna, GA
? Occupation: Cosmetology Educator

Share your pregnancy/delivery story.

My pregnancy was wonderful, no complications at all. I worked up until a few days before he was born. My family had a baby shower for us on Sunday, March 4th in Atlanta, my hometown. On our way back to Charlotte that night I started having contractions. When I woke up early the next morning and got in the shower ? my water broke. I drove myself the doctor, while my husband packed our bags. I got to the doctor and they immediately took me over to the hospital. My son was not due till mid April, so I was panicked and was so worried that my son might have complications being this early! My husband met me at the hospital and I was in the bed strapped to all the monitors by 10:30am. I got my epidural around 11:30am and at 2:28pm Hudson Lee Reid was born. He blessed us about 7 weeks early at 4lbs 11oz. I got to hold him for a few minutes before they took him away to Neonatal Intensive Care, where he spent the next 3 weeks of his life. We got lucky that there were no major complications with him. He just needed more time to develop and get bigger and stronger!

Share the first few weeks after Hudson was born, what was a typical day like for you?

Since Hudson was 7 weeks early, we spent the first 3 weeks of his life going back and forth from the hospital. I stayed there EVERY day, at least 8 hours a day. And my husband was back and forth in between meetings. It was so exhausting and heartbreaking for us leaving him every night!

Talk to us about your transition back to work. What?s life like now as a SAHM (Stay-at-home-mom)?

I?m a stay at home mom now, and I love it! I don?t have the stresses of my commute anymore (Davidson to Uptown)! I can be here to see my baby grow up and watch all of his firsts!!

What is your must-have baby item?

Swing!! It?s a life saver when nothing else works when my son gets cranky!

What?s your ideal date night?

We use to love going to dinner and a movie?.But that hasn?t happened since Hudson was born.

What?s your favorite activity to do with your family/kid(s)?

I love walks with my family and our Shih Tzu, Toby.

What are you looking forward to doing with your family this fall?

I can?t wait to carve pumpkins with my son, and of course, I?m so excited for the first Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Minivan or SUV?

I don?t own either, but would Love to upgrade! Still driving my 4 door sedan I bought almost 10 years ago.

Favorite Smarty phone app?


I could not live without?.

My family, my iPhone, and Chapstick!


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