Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Does Your Squeeze Page Have These 4 Elements?

Squeeze Page ExampleThere are countless examples of effective squeeze pages online. Many of them vary in colors, sizes, fonts and more but what do they have in common?

They all generate leads!

If you?re struggling to build an effective squeeze page, make sure yours has these 4 elements so you can start getting the results you deserve.

Watch ?Does Your Squeeze Page Have These 4 Elements?? On YouTube

1. Craft an attention-grabbing headline

This is the most preached aspect of a great squeeze page, and for good reason! It?s usually the first thing people will see and read when they visit your site, so it?s vital that you make it count.

The main idea is to attract your ideal customer so the headline should focus on key points of the problem or goal that you?re going to help your new subscriber solve or reach.

The headline can be any length. If it takes you longer to describe the reason your visitor should be there, that?s fine. If you can do it in one line, that?s fine as well. I?ve tested both short and long headlines with great results. Here is a video on coming up with ideas for squeeze page headlines.

2. Back up your headline with a description

I use the term description loosely. You can use bullet points, a short paragraph, a picture, or even a video. The main point is to provide further reasons for your visitors to subscribe.

One thing to note is that you don?t want to give away all the details on your squeeze page. You want to use blind copy which provides the benefits without telling your visitor exactly what it is.

For example, instead of saying:

?I?ll teach you how to get high-quality traffic with YouTube marketing?

You could re-word that to:

?You?ll learn my number 1 source of free traffic that most people don?t even try!?

Sure, that sounds like you might scare off some people, (it probably won?t) but the point is that it builds curiosity which is vital for higher conversions and more subscribers.

3. Only ask for the email address

All over Internet land, I see people asking for name and email address and I don?t like it. Okay, that sounds opinionated, but there are reasons why you only need the email. Let me ask you something?

Have you bought something from an email promo because they used technology to put your name in their message?

Probably not. I know the only reason I buy from people online is that I trust their judgement and I know they can help me. Asking for the name field on your squeeze page will cut your conversion rate and not everyone puts it the right name.

Nothing is worse than calling someone by the wrong name, offline AND online! I understand email marketing companies usually default to the name and email options on their forms, but it?s simple to remove the name field.

The main point here is that you can increase your conversion rate by as much as 13% (maybe even more) by only asking for the email. I go in a bit more detail on not using the name field in this post.

4. Dare I say use single opt-in?

Yeah, I highly suggest you use single opt-in on your squeeze page. I thought I had problems with it in the past but that ended up being a misunderstanding with my email marketing service.

The truth is I?ve used both single and double opt-in and had the same bounce and spam complaint rates for each. Both lists had over 300 subscribers, so it wasn?t too small of a test to come to that conclusion.

Without needing the confirmation message, your subscribers won?t need to take any extra steps to start receiving what they asked to receive.

Sure if they put in a bad email, they won?t get it. At the same time, the bad email won?t get the confirmation email either. Bounced emails are removed from quality email marketing services, so neither method will add dud emails for long if at all. If you?re not convinced yet and still use double opt-in, learn more on single opt-in here.

How About A Squeeze Page Challenge?

Great, another challenge from me (lol)! I want to know what your squeeze page currently looks like, if it has these qualities, and if you can think of any ways you could possibly improve your conversion rate.

I?ll start off:

Here is one of my squeeze pages that converts well with every traffic source I use.

It has all 4 of these elements and the way I can improve it is by testing drastically different variations against it. I can (and currently do) split test different headlines, descriptions, and page formats.

Also, if you don?t currently have a squeeze page then you can check out this video for a tutorial on how to create one quickly and for free (for 30 days) by clicking here.

Let me know your thoughts and response in the comment section below. Be sure to leave your squeeze page link in the website section!

Talk soon,


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