Thursday, March 7, 2013

Faith, trust, pixie dust. - party & bullshit

Throwing a party and throwing a house party is totally different. And I never realized that until Saturday.

Throwing a house party is scary as fuck. It's scary, nerve wrecking, exciting, and confusing. By the end of the night I just thought, "that was fun but, never again."

So I decided to throw a small get together party, pizza, pool, maybe barbecue, but of course I didn't book the pits until the last minute and by then all the BBQ puts we're taken up. My mum, my lovely, amazing, annoyingly overprotective mum, suggested throwing it at this huge mansion-like house (4 floors, walk in wardrobe, garden, patio, a pretty, open living room -- so perfect!) that she just bought and is going to rent out in two weeks time.

So we did. Me, Chloe & Chanelle packed up the cleaning stuff and went to make the house look presentable.

We made the party an open invite, and 15 people became 30 people, not including the plus ones they were gonna bring. So, I was a bit flustered and nervous and paranoid about how things were gonna go.

Literally like my social circles were all clashing, IJ girls, MDIS friends, people from clubbing, twitter friends even, they were all coming and I was freaking out. Will they get along? Will there be fights? HOW AM I GONNA SATISFY EVERYONE WHEN I'M GONNA GET DRUNK MYSELF?

So yea, we had the bring your own booze rule, we got some chips, got a loud stereo playing a playlist we put together the night before, and people started streaming in at around 9. Things were going okay and I relaxed a little.

I think I got drunk around 10/11, giggly and clinging onto anyone. Played Spin The Bottle (because we are 12), and made out with a whole load of strangers, things were actually going well. My friends made friends with each other and I actually relaxed a little. People were having fun? :) Even though I forgot to order the pizza haha oops.

Then I got a text from a friend who brought his ex boyfriend saying someone was being homophobic to his exboyfriend and that totally killed my buzz. I started sobering up after that and the "no people upstairs!" rule was obviously ignored. I found people smoking on the 2nd and 3rd floors, butting their cigarettes out on the wooden floor etc.

Deep breaths, self, it's a house party. It's expected.

Went down and a fight almost broke out -- as if I wasn't stressed out enough! -- luckily that was stopped. There was some crying tho. From me. Guess I wasn't that sober. Hahaha.

Thank god no cops showed up despite everyone making a shitload of noise. The party faded out around 2am and everyone started leaving. The house smelled of smoke, beer and -- pee? Jesus Christ. By then I was sober enough to realize the damage, and then I started worrying again.

Chilled with whoever was left at the party until 6am before deciding to go home. 12pm family lunch the next day?

We left the house in its disgusting state and then the worst happened -- I lost the house keys.

Jesus fucking Christ. Of course this happens to my life. Stayed another 15 mins to look through all 4 levels before deciding someone must've taken it on accident. We left the house unlocked and went home.

Survived family lunch, although we were like zombies. Went back to the house and my lovely, amazing, best fucking friends offered to come help clean the house up and o m g can someone give them an award for being so efficient? Seriously they deserve all the awards, cuddles and love. <3 Love you Anney Sheryl & Clauds :')

Finally cleaned the house up in like 1.5 hours -- mopping, sweeping, scrubbing the walls, picking up cigg butts -- and could finally sit at the patio and just chill.

Joel then called and said he found my keys in his car (remembered I went there halfway through the party just to lay down and the keys may have dropped out of my pockets haha oops) and I finally let out a sigh of relief.

House is cleaned, keys were found and no fights broke out. I survived my first house party :')

What an experience, tho. Don't think I'll be able to do it anymore but it was definitely fun while it lasted. What made it slightly more worth it was people texting/tweeting me to thank me for the "great party", so yes. There were its pros and cons but at the end of the day I decided that I should stick to small get togethers and attend parties instead of throwing them.

Have to say it feels good when my school friends are still raving about the party the next day at school. Heheh.

Anyway, yeah that was a good experience and a fun weekend. Am in school now and am attending the All Time Low concert later, then have to go clubbing cuz it's the last time Chloe & Chanelle are going out at night before they have to go home.

Good times. :)


sweet potato recipes the sound of music celebration church new york auto show 2012 tulsa easter eggs pineapple upside down cake

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